There are certain connections that God allows us to have in this world to keep us from becoming discouraged, so we can see that we’re not alone in our faith walk and also to understand that there are indeed many others serving God with us. When and if we unite our hearts together as we should on a common ground, we can and would become One Voice before God for a greater impact! That is a preview of what God can do with our lives if it’s surrendered to Him, in this Tower of Babel life experiences we’re living! The only way to unite from the Tower of Babel land or desert is to find our common ground, One Voice! It’s a test of love worth passing, it’s in our soul’s eternity’s benefit or best interest to pass the test of time, the test of love for God!

Are you up for a self challenge? (You might stumble across the path to return to the Garden of Eden in doing so! Because I don’t think we were just suppose to accept our exile from the Garden of Eden blindly without ever making an effort to return as if it never mattered to us much to begin with)! Your call! Your choice determines your eternity’s outcome! Choose wisely!!!

MBM-Tine Brice