Inner Growth

When you’re hurt and seek to hurt others, lashing out; you’re displaying a juvenile/infantile lack of rearing. When you begin to understand your error without any professional guidance or discipline you might take all this pain inward turning against self in rebellion or remorse for how poorly all was handled, (this may occur in individuals with a live active conscience). But when you start having Godly wisdom and true maturity you develop a means of projecting outward the act of rendering to others the aide you lacked in your suffering. Your lifestyle boldly speaks in presenting itself as a haven for the broken to be mended! May your life scream out HAVEN TO HELP REPAIR THE BROKEN in all places where you were lacking!

2 Cor. 5:17 …old things are passed away, behold all things are made new…
2 Cor. 12:10 …for when I am weak then I am strong…
John 1:16 …we have all received grace upon grace…
Matt. 6:12 …forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors…



There are among us people that once they leave this life the whole world re-shift itself in order to readjust. The impact that one soul had on his/her community is so deep that even the world screams IT’S EMPTY. That one person had upheld a balance that kept a steady flow for everyone to benefit. Once that absence is felt, the world feels empty or lacking and that void must now be love occupied to re-steady and afloat a universe of worlds within. It’s not just an experience, it’s a process, sometimes life long. Like revolving doors, the cycle continues. To understand the depth, width, mass and value of it all, one would have to step out of life to view Life. Only the Equipped is so bold, their armor is prayer and persistent Godly love. To receive such however one must submit completely to the will of Abba Father God, Jesus is the way and the Holy Spirit intercedes in our half. Fill the void with pure Godly Love then let it overflow!