There are people whose stagnant lives are easily reproachable. For them to advance at anything in life they must be pushed, shoved, coerced or enrolled as a contestant in a race else they’ll have no drive to succeed. If there’s no competition or competitor for them to be stirred they’ll have no desire to achieve. There are others that need not be forced, poked, nudged or jostled in any way; they have a natural drive to proceed, produce, progress & excel. They stand independently and rise accordingly. The first group may achieve faster but their achievement isn’t well grounded as it depends on others showing up like parasite depends on its host. The latter group though their journey is strenuous and lonesome however, theirs is solid ground success with no reproach. Their progressive vibrant lives are immeasurable. To which do you belong?

Written in 2014

MBM-Tine Brice