All that we have accomplished you have done for us. Isaiah 26:12Never make an enemy of the person that holds the key prayer to your blessings! God has the last word!
Those who fail me harm themselves, all who hate me loves death. Prob.8:36 If you’re an enemy to God you are truly pitiful, there’s no one left more true! 
Jesus is the way, truth and life. John 14:6 No matter how many paths forged there can be only Him in the end! 
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. John 8:32 If you haven’t allowed His words to set you free as it states, it’s that you’ve chosen your bondage over His freedom! It’s clear! 
If you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin though you yourself will be saved. Ezekiel 33:9Those who’ve chosen bondage over freedom will be held accountable for a tormented soul eternally damned that can’t be exchanged, bargained, purchased, cleansed or renewed.
If I make my bed in the depths you are there…even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:8-10There’s no limit to where God would reach to seek, find, rescue and deliver you because He considers your soul just that much.
When you begin to scratch the surface of understanding just how precious you truly are to Almighty God and Father of All Ages, the Lord of Host, you will also look to those around you differently and with utmost respect for the anointing that upholds them has finally testified its presence in you! 
It’s a beautiful journey worth taking and an experience worth having in this world before exiting to be crowned. You learn the value of your crown with each step, obstacle, trial overcome, victory won! 
I always say this, the blind man didn’t neglect to ask Jesus for a second touch because he was seeing people as though they were trees. When you find yourself faltering don’t hesitate to ask for another touch to clear your cobwebs, saving-souls depend on your refined view and understanding.
In all your age of reason, have you reached one of deeper understanding of your stand in God through Jesus and intimacy with maturity depth? Journey on, it’s worth it all! 
MBM-Tine Brice