You on the receiving end of my love

Whether you deserve it or not, I Love You!

Remember me always in loving you!

Whether you worked for it or not

Whether you sought it or not

Whether you appreciate it or not

Whether you acknowledge it or not

I love you, simply because I choose to!

Let me tell you once again!

You on the receiving end of my love

Whether you deserve it or not

Worked for it or not

Sought it or not

Appreciate it or not

Acknowledge it or not

I Love You!

Because I can simply choose to…

I Love You!

Remember me always in Loving You!

Written in 2014

MBM-Tine Brice

Box Not God!

Most people go through life creating safe boxes for themselves to live in. Each organization is an example of a box formed and created from an idea, a perception, a belief, a set doctrine! It is believed that each box adds order to society as a whole. There are so many of them because no one box is perfect. That which is perfection in itself and isn’t boxed is constantly being rejected because it is too flawless to be considered true and acceptable to most minds. No matter how hard they try, they cannot box God, Jesus and definitely not the Holy Spirit. A boxed mindset determines what you receive. Though the person of God can’t be boxed, your mentality corners your results. If you have a boxed view of who God is then your blessing from Him reaches the limit of your box of Him also! Be open minded enough to not hinder your own blessing! God is so vast that the universes cannot contain Him, so mysterious that He makes the heart of men His dwelling. How grand is that? He’s immeasurably God!

MBM-Tine Brice