If your fiercest battle is your last one then your armor can’t be like your daily routine. Surround yourself with men of war, battle fierce soldiers, serious men of battle, warriors excellent in valor, loyalty and truth! Then engage!
So, calling all prayer warriors of the One Faith, One God, One Love, One Spirit of Heaven’s Committee is a must! You need to suit up in warrior style for victory is sure when The Lord of Host leads!
MBM-Tine Brice


You’re in competition with no one else but yourself! That’s right! You read that right! Be in fierce and intense competition with whom you were yesterday, prove him/her a liar today by being a newly improved version of you! You got this! God’s got you!
MBM-Tine Brice


You don’t know that you’re alive until you wake up from sleep!
You overlook how well your heart keep beat until it starts skipping them!
You breathe effortlessly until your lungs gives you reason to worry!
Do you catch your mind wandering away from focus or do you realize way later that you had wandered off?
Time is of the essence if you have things to look forward to, if not it just drifts and you rarely keep it.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow are days that we often speak of but what remains engraved in our memories are either of today or yesterday.
We can’t keep any tomorrow memories until it gets here hence we’re always looking forward to it but never catching up because it keeps becoming a yesterday or a today!
If you were to write your whole life story backwards you’d have to know the ending first to backtrack to birth.
We rejoice at birth and cry at death whereas some cry at birth and rejoice at death, would you call that a life cycle well balanced? Ponder it!
Have you ever conversed with self concerning your unruly behavior and disagreed with your logic, explanation or excuses?
If heaven was on earth and earth was in heaven would humankind have to flip upside down to seek repose or would we enjoy our heavenly earth so much that we wouldn’t strive for any better?
What if you wake up one day to find that every single gospel truth you denied was the Only Real Truth and now it’s too late and you’re caught in a trap of your own making for eternity?
What if your kids decided to disobey your truths and lived your lies?
What if you were forced to face your mistakes for life and death was a recurrence of the same because the only truth that saves is Jesus and you rejected Him hence rejecting His Father also!
What if holding on to God meant nothing to Him because you denied His Son your heart for soul-saving?
What if your logic isn’t golden in God’s book but His Word is bond to save your mind, body, soul, heart spirit, mind, life and eternity?
What if God is calling you to step out of the by-word that has labeled your race to stand for Him on a ground that’s not comfort zone?
If you were told that if you trust, believe and raised your hand to God in your scary darkness, He’s faithful and just to deliver you. Would you rather remain in your scary darkness trembling in fear?
…That point in time when your life has so much going on so to balance faith walk and sanity means to let go of foolishness. So anyone who entertain foolishness gets left behind because the weight of the soul is a pressing matter which shouldn’t be bargained with.
Loving people doesn’t mean to reject self, learn that early on in life!
Letting go of the crowd that distracts your focus on God doesn’t make you a bad person, just a person of character with set priorities! Whomever disagrees can welcome your absence!
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! That’s comfort that never changes! But even in this know that the door to grace will someday close. The elects in Christ will be gone and there will be no more time to ‘get it right’ before you come to Jesus the Savior! Don’t wait until He comes as King and Judge to decide dearest, it will be too late!

MBM-Tine Brice