God’s promise is true and sure regardless of our circumstances. God gave Joseph prophetic dreams of what was to come and didn’t stop him from sharing these dreams with his family. God knows man’s heart and He knew that Joseph’s brothers would become jealous, envious and turn against him because of Joseph’s coming success, yet and still He didn’t keep the truth of that blessing from them. Instead, God used their negativity as fuels to pave the way for Joseph to attain that greatness God had planned for him. Like Daniel in the lion’s den, God didn’t prevent him from being thrown there. Like Schadrac, Meshac and Abed-Nego, God didn’t stop them from being thrown into the fiery furnace. Focus on God’s promises over your life and claim them, speak them over you and your loved ones often. Just as God did then for Joseph, Daniel, Schadrac, Meshac and Abed-Nego, may God use all negativity that enemies send your way  as a path paving your way in life to God’s greatness in Jesus name!


As a Daughter of Zion tormented by the tempest, thrown by contrary wind
Hated by foes, envied by comrades
You bear the seal of the Blood of Jesus
Your most precious accessory
That triggers spite from evil’s wiles

As a Daughter of Zion thrown by the waves
A castaway among capsized canoes
Stranded on an island of vultures,
Vermin, vulgar threats from viscious voices
God’s omnipresence
Within You dwell

As a Daughter of Zion You battle still
Your armor adorned in God’s love
Resist whatever the weather
Contrary wind or capsized canoes
You reign in grace
For that which you’re hated

As a Daughter of Zion, Your DNA
Is not just spoken but known!
You hurt, I hurt, you cry, I cry,
you bleed, I bleed because we’re One!
Transfused through Jesus Blood
You and I we bond!
MBM-Tine Brice


You don’t know that you’re alive until you wake up from sleep!
You overlook how well your heart keep beat until it starts skipping them!
You breathe effortlessly until your lungs gives you reason to worry!
Do you catch your mind wandering away from focus or do you realize way later that you had wandered off?
Time is of the essence if you have things to look forward to, if not it just drifts and you rarely keep it.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow are days that we often speak of but what remains engraved in our memories are either of today or yesterday.
We can’t keep any tomorrow memories until it gets here hence we’re always looking forward to it but never catching up because it keeps becoming a yesterday or a today!
If you were to write your whole life story backwards you’d have to know the ending first to backtrack to birth.
We rejoice at birth and cry at death whereas some cry at birth and rejoice at death, would you call that a life cycle well balanced? Ponder it!
Have you ever conversed with self concerning your unruly behavior and disagreed with your logic, explanation or excuses?
If heaven was on earth and earth was in heaven would humankind have to flip upside down to seek repose or would we enjoy our heavenly earth so much that we wouldn’t strive for any better?
What if you wake up one day to find that every single gospel truth you denied was the Only Real Truth and now it’s too late and you’re caught in a trap of your own making for eternity?
What if your kids decided to disobey your truths and lived your lies?
What if you were forced to face your mistakes for life and death was a recurrence of the same because the only truth that saves is Jesus and you rejected Him hence rejecting His Father also!
What if holding on to God meant nothing to Him because you denied His Son your heart for soul-saving?
What if your logic isn’t golden in God’s book but His Word is bond to save your mind, body, soul, heart spirit, mind, life and eternity?
What if God is calling you to step out of the by-word that has labeled your race to stand for Him on a ground that’s not comfort zone?
If you were told that if you trust, believe and raised your hand to God in your scary darkness, He’s faithful and just to deliver you. Would you rather remain in your scary darkness trembling in fear?
…That point in time when your life has so much going on so to balance faith walk and sanity means to let go of foolishness. So anyone who entertain foolishness gets left behind because the weight of the soul is a pressing matter which shouldn’t be bargained with.
Loving people doesn’t mean to reject self, learn that early on in life!
Letting go of the crowd that distracts your focus on God doesn’t make you a bad person, just a person of character with set priorities! Whomever disagrees can welcome your absence!
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever! That’s comfort that never changes! But even in this know that the door to grace will someday close. The elects in Christ will be gone and there will be no more time to ‘get it right’ before you come to Jesus the Savior! Don’t wait until He comes as King and Judge to decide dearest, it will be too late!

MBM-Tine Brice


God doesn’t desire to have a one night stand with you. His intentions are pure and Holy toward you always. He wants to spend all your lifetime and to enter His eternity with you even when you’re old and gray, holding hands as the first day you set eyes on each other and fell in love. That first love is what He seek in you through Jesus but for always! Do not abandon your First Love, of all the relationShips, this is the only Ship that Matters Most! Never set sail out of life without this treasured Ship as it is the most mattered!

MBM-Tine Brice


It took the birth, life, love, compassion of the most genuine King of kings to leave His Royalty to save our soul by sacrificing Himself as ransom! His passion is you! He desires that you be saved! He is passionate about everything that pertains to your well-being, heart, life, soul and eternity!
Often times when people have gone through too much abuse, when they finally hit the jackpot of the real deal, it’s challenging to see, understand and accept what’s being offered to them, (especially if it’s free). They tend to feel it surreal and expect it to turn into a joke or a prank at any given moment. It’s not that they don’t want to believe in the beautiful gift being offered but you see they’ve been so far gone and so long that it really does take the majesty of a magnificent Savior who knows the taming of the flesh to reach deep within the depths of the darkness in the core of the womb of the earth to rise with your burdened soul. Only His love is powerful enough to find you in the depths of despair. His warmth will melt the frozen stone heart and His words will jump start you back into life. His very presence will prophesy life to your dry bones and they will live once more to stand as a great army for the glory of His great name! Some call Him Yeshua, Yahweh, Gesú, Messiah, Teacher, Savior, Rabbi, we call Him Jesus the Coming KING!
Consider yourself flattered to be so fortunate as to have as defender of your soul the KING of all kings! Surrender to His abundant boundless love and grace!
#JesusLovesYou #JesusSaves #JesusPassion #JesusLives #JesusReigns #LiveForJesus
MBM-Tine Brice


What you’ve lived and see today is not all there is
What obstacles overcome to get you here today isn’t all
You may never really know the full gospel truth of what’s been
But one thing is sure, most mothers go through so much to bring about their kids
The absurdity of the protruding pain may have lessened with time
The words to describe what’s been may have gotten lost
Even memories might’ve been robbed of its essence of time and event
But love lives and is at an ever standstill testifying of its steadfastness
Despite one’s brokenness, maternal love remains and surfaces always
Whether you’re a forgotten mother, a rejected mother, a forfeited mother, a compromised mother, a mother who had no choice but to abort, a mother who miscarried, a poor mother, a rich mother, a saved mother, a pagan mother, a sick mother, a healthy mother, whichever category you find yourself in as a mother, the maternal pain exists and ends only after the mission is accomplished.  Nine months didn’t end your child’s term, it was but one phase done of many others. Until then, remember to uphold love for the fruits of your labor, but Godly love is everlasting above all. You labor not in vain! Love always! Love senseless! Love regardless! Love endlessly! Love in spite of…
MBM-Tine Brice


Can you think back a minute to when telling someone to shut up was such a rude way of talking that you’d get in trouble for it as if you had said a curse word? Or to speak a certain way was considered cross? So saying shut up or being cross wouldn’t be on your to do list to prevent being grounded. Those cheesy days taught us what being human was all about. It taught us to be courteous to our neighbors. We did it so well we didn’t need any escort looking over our shoulders checking to see if we’re behaving. It was simpler living and to most today it would be considered cheesy, lame, bland and boring. But you know, instead of being too bold, uncaring, inhumane without compassion for society wouldn’t it be best to add a little cheese on society today to preserve human flavor? Think about it! We’re constantly losing flavor as human beings. Soon there won’t be anything left to season or salvage. If you don’t believe me, with a clear and stable conscience take a good look at society as a whole!

It’s not nitpicking, honestly. And it’s not stirring anger in others either, it’s just an honest look at society that most elders usually have to go through as they watch their time fading and new time take over. It’s that moment when you realize you’re so old, this generation is so new and there’s a clash in difference. You don’t fit yet to find a common ground may take some time you don’t have. Because by then it might even be time to go because like I said, you’re old! So you reminisce those good days as if you could bring them back. You hardly have anyone to reminisce them with because everyone you knew mostly have passed on leaving you holding the fort. In this fast-paced world all you have left for comfort are those cheesy memories of yours and no one to tell them to. You’re itching to tell anyone who would listen but they’re busy living and your pace is slowing down hence you can’t catch up.

There should be a site! A site where the older folks could post their nostalgia to the world and they can even post anonymously. They should call it REMINESSENCE! The essence of reminiscing in a bulk would be good for society as a whole. That would give older folks an outlet, a chance to share their wisdom with the younger generation. How cool that would be! It could contain stories or sayings, testimonials or daily posts of attempts to connect to the present world. It could even be a youtube channel. I know this would be a very long shot because not all elders are computer literate but isn’t it a grand idea though? (It kept you reading on this far)!

There are simple acts of kindness that could even keep away sicknesses like alzheimers, dementia, senility, withdraws, or the likes. I don’t think elders should be boxed into a corner as if to say it’s not your time anymore so quietly occupy this space as a dunce till you’re no more! Instead I think we should embrace them into society as legacy workers in the field that ought to be commemorated as they exit; only we would be celebrating them in this small version as they live!

Let each testimonial be a learning source for the younger generation! Who knows? Some parents might even start to use that site as insight for their own children’s rearing. One of their chores could be to log into that site and to retell the parent of a testimonial they read that seemed shocking or different than what they’re accustomed to. That would be wisdom being passed down! You’d be surprised how much wisdom is hidden within an elder’s brain, of course that’s when it’s remembered!

Maybe this should be on someone’s to do list! I had to put this out here since it surfaced my overwork brain. I hope it reaches someone somewhere enough to act upon it in a productive way for the benefits of all of society.

Written 01-23-2021

MBM-Tine Brice


I’m the rain, you’re the rainbow

I’m the moon, you’re the sun

I’m the sea, you’re the waves

I’m the mermaid, you’re the whale

When I’m speaking you’re my thoughts

When I’m sleeping you’re my dreams

While I’m living you’re my hope

While I’m contemplating you’re my all

If I become a princess, you’ll be my prince in shining armor

If I become a queen, you’ll be my ruling king

If I become a star, you’ll be my shining light

If I become an angel you’ll be my flapping wings

Written in 2000

MBM-Tine Brice


I wake up in a cold hard sweat

To find that I’m alive, you’re not!

You’re the object of my every desire,

My inspiration, my essential twin.

What am I to do? With this love I am indebted

God’s fire in you had me got!

I yearn to intertwine with that fire!

No one could ever convince me you’re not kin.

E’en now as the wall separate us,

Our love bond somehow is stronger.

But to see, touch, and hold you is my fuss.

Oh, what am I to do? How much longer?

Written in 2010

MBM-Tine Brice