As a Daughter of Zion tormented by the tempest, thrown by contrary wind
Hated by foes, envied by comrades
You bear the seal of the Blood of Jesus
Your most precious accessory
That triggers spite from evil’s wiles

As a Daughter of Zion thrown by the waves
A castaway among capsized canoes
Stranded on an island of vultures,
Vermin, vulgar threats from viscious voices
God’s omnipresence
Within You dwell

As a Daughter of Zion You battle still
Your armor adorned in God’s love
Resist whatever the weather
Contrary wind or capsized canoes
You reign in grace
For that which you’re hated

As a Daughter of Zion, Your DNA
Is not just spoken but known!
You hurt, I hurt, you cry, I cry,
you bleed, I bleed because we’re One!
Transfused through Jesus Blood
You and I we bond!
MBM-Tine Brice



Strive to win the battles against all recurring evil cycles in your life for you see, to lose the battle is to allow your kids and your kids’ kids to inherit the same if not worse! When you’ve reached a point where you seem unable to win that battle scream for help before God! I guarantee you, He will come to your aide! David defeated goliath so that you could win over your goliaths! Joseph fled his portipha to pave your way! God parted the Red Sea through Moses and the Israelites crossed on dry grounds. You can cross too! Saul slayed his thousand and David his ten thousand to encourage you to win this war against flesh, death, devil and self! As Jericho’s walls came tumbling down after the seventh tour, so also will yours but follow the rules-SILENTLY TOUR YOUR JERICHO TILL THE SEVENTH then watch how God will move in your favor! You got this! Victory is yours!

MBM-Tine Brice