Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

God looks forward to us coming closer to Him else He wouldn’t have said come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He meant that. The same keen, attentive hearing you’ve developed now, sometimes, don’t you wish you had that exact keen hearing from the start of your faith walk with God with the obedience to follow and fall in place? When you look back and recognize mistakes made along the way and having learned better now, sometimes don’t you wish you could’ve jumped ahead into quick obedience? Well, it doesn’t work that way. Life’s essence is based on trial and error, and for most people, to learn the lesson thoroughly; they had to have had the bitter experience, learned from the harsh sting and live to testify it, instruct it, preach it, & glorify God through it! Either way, God will receive His glory! Unless a lesson is learned, the experience isn’t embedded deep enough in the core being. It has become so much easier to turn a deaf ear to God throughout time so much that no one tries to listen anymore, while many denies he speaks at all! This is The Revival that still needs to be had, that still need to reawaken within the soul of many believers. It’s a spiritual tone deafness that causes even the most fervent hearts to be impaired in their judgment because the Holy Spirit has long since been stiffled. If your source of comfort is stiffled then the people will have had committed spiritual suicide. They would result to becoming a walking corpse, a bleached (whitewashed sepulchres-Matthew 23:27) tomb, a flower that’s lost its fragrance, a sun that lost its shine, salt without flavor! How then will you savor the anointing? For just as we who are many have become one body in Christ, (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) so also, the group efforts of all senses are necessary for the whole to be absorbed. How, oh how will we ever be able to perform effectively? Dear believer, never stop listening for God’s voice and always check to confirm what’s heard. It’s best to stifle all other voices but to tune in to God, rather to stifle God and tune in to all other voices which seem to have been the trending occurrence. It’s detriment to the existing and coming generation the deafening silence that’s imposed. Isn’t it already too evident how such a state has fallen too deeply rooted within the very core of our young ones beings? No longer are we raising Samuels who come seeking out Elis for response of God’s divine calling (1 Samuel 3:4-10). The rhythm and vibration of one’s spiritual hearing must always be aligned into God’s word for the evil one tires not and the world waits not on you catching up before targeting its victim’s void! The seal (plonb), that has filled too many’s ears must be lifted finally for the effectiveness and plenitude of complete revival to be sbsorbed. As the Shofar has many sounds (tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah), to alert the listener, so also must each believer learn to listen and recognize the voice, tune, rhythm, sound of God’s Spirit that constantly calls out to His own. Samuels, be attentive, LISTEN to God’s comfort drawing you near! Never be afraid of asking God, “did You call me?”

Don’t be the reason why others stop listening to God, rather, be part of the reason why they run to God asking if He spoke. THIS IS A CALL TO SPIRITUAL ARMS. The armors of God (Ephesians 6:11), isn’t the only arms needed for these times, with ALL your being, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! Tune your ears to His Words, His Words is revelation to draw in souls! There’s been alot of talking true, but if it isn’t God or Godly, it’s effectiveness on the soul is nought. SAMUEL, BE OBSERVANT, REVIVE AND LISTEN!!!



To you who is done with yourself, you’ve sinned. Who are you to be done with yourself when God Himself isn’t done with you yet? And He created you for His purpose and glory!
To you who refuses to forgive yourself? Who do you think you are to be holding God’s vessel captive when He Himself forgave you long ago? Are you bigger than God? Be careful how you treat God’s temple! He’s taking notes!
To you who doubt every Godly thought God has given you? How dare you to even consider these shortcomings when God Himself believe in you enough to trust you with His Truth?
Have you not yet learned that it was with you in mind that He sent the great flood, through Noah rebirth the world? Through Abraham gathered children of every race, nations, and tongue to give you heritage and roots? Through Moses He set for us laws and statutes for structured living? Through Jacob God found in Joseph a path to bring humanity salvation’s alliance in Christ!
Have you yet to realize that if your eternal enemy cannot find ways to condemn you in daily tactics that he’ll turn it inward to make you turn against yourself so he can say even you condemn yourself so that should be justification of any and all charges? You who didn’t create yourself and who can’t control a strand of hair growth, breath or heartbeat? You who knows when you were born but has no clue how long you’ll live or when your mandated expiration is at hand? You whom God has sealed for the day of redemption and must live it until His great plan over your life has fulfilled because His word will Not return to Him void until It has done what it was set out to do in full?
You need to understand this one thing! There are some things for you they are closed caption, no option! The limit has-been drawn for you clearly! Respect the boundary and Honor God in Self Dear Godly Vessel Favored to do God’s bidding!
At ease as you’re tending to self honorably soldier while you remain on guard in the battlefield! Message received? As you were Valiant Warrior! SALUTE!



Life is a lesson no one can learn overnight no matter how bright or clever they are. Aside from the presence and assistance of God, It takes time, patience, determination, strength, support, resistance and then some to BEGIN to achieve at any good thing in life and at life!

We only get one trial at life so our living should be off the charts great!

Live with God’s eternity at heart!

Live such a legacy that when you leave this world even the non-believers in the Faith feels the shift, emptiness, void in the world and yearn to seek and connect with God on a deeper level. Your life would’ve held purpose in depth. Live as you want to be remembered and spoken of but make it all GODLY.

Life is a whisper of God breathing within each being!

Live perfecting your love for that is the key to God’s heavenly kingdom!

What defines us isn’t what we’re born into but how we choose to live despite setbacks.

Often life can feel like it’s been freezer burnt, lost its essence and even if thawed out the remains may deem useless but the matter of fact is only God decides one’s result of outcome in life, of life, out of life.

Life and all its bitterness can be tamed through sincere prayer and guidance to and from Almighry God even as one follows Jesus example living in the Faith He taught us. It calls for a lot of self discipline, humility, grace and love.

“Opening the avenues of expression”

“Relax and let God be amazing in your life”

Capture the “Stillness of the Moment” as though through a camera lens but only through your living expressions.




It’s an absolute truth that even if you traveled to all corners of the earth from birth to death, the fact still remains that there will always be places left undiscovered. God’s love is like that. He gifted us a world of goods of which we will never finish unveiling. The universe as huge as it is can’t hold God but yet the human heart is just the right size for His Son Jesus to dwell so as to bring us to the Father. Even if we lived an eternity of lifetimes we still wouldn’t have lived long enough to uncover all of the mysteries that God is! How grand is that! Ponder that!

When paying consequences it often feels like receiving cheap goods after having spent precious money but not getting your money’s worth. That’s why in life it’s best to not settle for less. You are worth the best that life has to offer, God proved it so by giving all of His best from His Son to All of creation at our disposal, even the fruits are covered! Well presented!

In life, it’s important to be around people who balance out your weakness for strength. It’s important to have a personal support system. Add color to life, don’t lose the essence to living even in your vulnerability. Surround yourself with beauty for ashes.

There are times in life a person approaches you under the pretense of aiding you to build yet presents a sand wall but there are others that come with Godly anointing to plant a brick solid wall that strengthens foundation. Sand or Brick, choose wisely!

In Jesus resurrection birthed the completed salvation that brings the dead to life even unto eternity.

Life can be a many splendid thing but it all depends on the living, your output. What are you made of? You’re created in God’s image, reach in, find Him then project Him to the world! What you’re projecting outward to an already hurting world often will determine your result. Make God proud!

I’ve heard it said that when life throws you lemons to make lemonade. But I’m haitian and am not satisfied. So after rolling them under my feet to soften them and made the lemonade I went and cleaned, marinated and seasoned some chicken, made some porridge then grated the skin in there, I used the lemon juice to wash my face which gave my skin a new glow, still I wasn’t satisfied so I made a healthy mixture blend to drink daily. So life, do keep sending the lemons! There’s more healthy use for them!

Because Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life(John 14:6), our Living In Him is not in vain! For as we live it’s not us living but Christ Living in us (Gal. 2:20).

John 3:16
All your life God has been extending His loving hands toward you in love, wouldn’t you like to finally walk into His embrace and accept the love professed for so long? It’s you He wants! He did it all for the saving of Your soul so that you’d spend life eternal with Him in glory! Come to Christ today!

Father God, You said in your Word that whomever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. I call upon You now in Jesus name, I surrender my mind, body, soul and spirit to you. I recognize that I’m a sinner in need of saving and can’t do this on my own. It’s Only through your Son Jesus that I can receive salvation for my soul and forgiveness for the multitudes of sin that has corrupted me. I humbly ask forgiveness and pray that you will accept me into Your Holy family so I can resemble you once more. What little bit of life I have left please permit me to live it to glorify you in all ways allowed, not just for today but until Jesus returns. I renounce all evil and accept Jesus into my heart. Please guide me to serve you well in Jesus name. AMEN



Live such a legacy that when you leave this world even the non-believers in the Faith feels the shift, emptiness, void in the world and yearn to seek and connect with God on a deeper level. Your life would’ve held purpose in depth. Live as you want to be remembered and spoken of but make it all GODLY.


Just when you thought you figured out the answers to all the questions, they came up with a new set of questions which sends you right back to the start again!

You never really know the whole story! There’s always a loophole, a hidden fact, an untold story, a dark secret or a misunderstanding! So never think for a second that what you think you know is all there is! The greatest investigators have fallen short quite often or they’ve succeeded in convincing the majority that they nailed that investigation! Because in the end for most, it’s all about convincing the mass public! The bitter truth lies in the palm of God’s capable hands! So as you watch others roaming blindly to get from point A to point B, if you can’t pray them up, compliment their strength or effort, lend a helping hand. If neither is possible just quietly get out of their way, let them do the best they can!

Also, did you ever stop to consider if there are any More people that you might’ve offended in your life, so much so that they’re struggling to live still while you’re wanting to be ready to exit? Seriously, do you ever wonder if you forgot one or some and neglected to lift them in prayer for God to intervene and restore them for you after you had made foolish mistakes that had lasting effects in their lives while you were lacking? Have you ever had a strong desire to give a healing hug to the whole world to relieve them all of the bitterness, resentment, pain and suffering that seems too clingy? I think different people feel this in different ways. This is why there are artists, writers, singers, doctors, teachers, etc. I guess this is mine!

The thing is that not everyone heals the same way but most do. Some others don’t want to heal, they prefer hardcore revenge on repeat if at all possible!

No one really cares why a person is evil, has a mean streak, is a criminal or has chosen the wrong path or actions unless that person has been ordered by God Himself or it’s a chosen profession that pays well. Honestly, some people made it their passion to try to get inside other people’s head just by asking them questions to get them to find or see for themselves who they’ve become or where it is they’ve landed in life. And from there they can choose to make an intelligible decision to mend their ways, pay the consequences or both.

Never rejoice over someone else’s failure or the fact that they’ve been caught. Just because they didn’t catch you yet, that doesn’t mean you’re innocent. FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF GOD’S GLORY AND ALL ARE JUSTIFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE THROUGH THE REDEMPTION THAT CAME BY CHRIST JESUS. (Rom.3:23-24). Know this and understand it well, no one of their own volition wants someone who has done them wrong once or many times to be free of their offence unless God has occupied or preoccupied their heart through Jesus. That is the honest to goodness truth right there I tell you! Human nature cannot survive or overcome wicked traits without God’s gift of Salvation in Jesus. Since Cain it’s been proven lacking and since Abel it’s been proven a challenge. Jesus gifted us His ALL because he knew right off the bat that in order for us to succeed at any good thing in this life is OVER HIS DEAD BODY AND RESURRECTION. So He did just that in gifting us His Salvation.

Think for a second of some characters of the bible. Do you think anyone considered Goliath’s history, lineage or upbringing that turned him into a bully? You think anyone thought of what shaped Jezebel into an evil woman? Did people give second thoughts as to what provoked Cain into killing his own brother? Please, No! More often than not, no one cares. To care enough to find out why things or people are the way they are however is also to nourish the self for improvement purposes and to prevent human failure that comes by lack of instruction. Like the Haitian saying, “when your comrade’s beard catches fire, put yours to soak.” (Just as God used major and minor prophets, servants of old to relay messages to His people, so also God uses ordinary people today to reach others). As it is written in God’s word “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” Hosea 4:6. To become a caring being requires in-depth core values, built-in fruits of the Spirit, Godly characteristics and functioning armors of God.  To be a good person inside and out, no one knows or considers what work effort has been put into maintaining it. From the bottom of the barrel all the way up to it’s brim, no one knows sacrifices made, shamed insults endured, scrapes or falls experienced. The present isn’t always as smooth as it seems. But who cares of such if not God’s servant!

There are some things that even God respects for the human being and will not cross its line. One of them is a weary and tired soul, He understands the need to rest. There’s rest in the final destination in life but there’s also rest in God’s bosom as He lead one in the right path throughout life and in ministry. Hence His word says “Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

MBM-Tine Brice (ZAYIN)



You know, there isn’t a “How to live your life as a miracle” book anywhere! (I believe the bible has an answer for whatever ails you, and the whole book serves its purpose)! If there was a book guide on living life as a miracle however, I think it would begin like this! “Live each day at a time, a step at a time, a breath at a time, a second at a time, trusting and relying on God ALL the time until there’s no more time!” Either way, living life as a miracle with 10% oxygen and blood flow to fuel the entire body can be very tiring! No one tells you this ahead of time! You just have to trust and believe in the miracle within!!!
MBM-Tine Brice


In the hustling busy buzzing of life, we may often rush past others we know and who are dear to us without uttering so much of a comforting word let alone a hello. But know this and know it well, amidst the hustle and bustle God sees and cares for us with such a deeper understanding that we may never comprehend until we behold Him face to face! We’re never out of His sight or reach!
MBM-Tine Brice


For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain
Paské Pou mwen viv se Kris mouri see gany
When your car runs out of shock absorber, each bump, pothole, crack or ditch you fall into on the road might pain your hips, aching bones, marrow and even deep into your pocket. But when everything is in tip top shape with your car even slippery weather don’t scare you. You’re well prepared!
Lè machi-n ou pagin shok absòbè, chak tou craké,  tou régo ou tonbé ladan-n nan lari a, ou santi doulè a nan rin-w, zo, mwèl, rivé minm nan pòch ou. Min lè tout bagay anfòm ak machi-n ou minm mové tan glisé pa fè w pè. Ou byin paré!
MBM-Tine Brice


It was a day like any other day but not! This was a day that would transform humanity, go down in history, a day that would stir the very core of human conscienceness for centuries to come. This day, Rabbouni was crucified. The crown of thorns on his head, the piercings at his hands, feet and side all screamed out it is finished as blood no longer flowed through the piercings but water instead.
I yearned to draw closer to the site to pick up the blood mixed soil that formed there to hold it to my bosom even as the earth gulped each drop but I dared not. I watched in wonderment as my eyes opened to this revelation, my gut wrenching from within. My eyes went from my Savior on the cross to the blood on the ground and as my eyes opened so did the ground where I knelt in amazement watching. I saw my Savior’s body formed from the pool of blood and began walking through a formed path beneath the earth. He came across those died past and his blood rendered justice where it was due, rectified the wrong they endured through his blood. He searched every corner beneath the earth and left no stone unturned, no earth corner unveiled. There was a loud rumbling of the caves as a result. Rabbouni found those that were long lost and saved their pitiful souls like only He could and did. It was out of this world the experience but you just had to be there! Just then it felt like someone pushed my spirit back into my body still kneeling there in disarray as I watched mesmerized at the spot where my Master’s blood pool laid. I was startled and looked around to find that the crowd was gone and I was knelt there alone at Golgotha at the feet of the cross where they just started taking down my Savior’s body to lay it to rest inside the tomb that belonged to Joseph of Arimathea.
I was there, but not!
MBM-Tine Brice