7 Days Confined (Numbers 12:13-15)
Miriam spoke against God’s Anointed Moses, (Numbers 12:1-12). In God’s anger He reprimanded and chastised Miriam. Moses cried to God to heal Miriam. God replied if her father spit in her face would she not have to go through the disgrace? Confine her out of camp for 7 days then bring her back.

7 falls (Proverbs 24:16)
Seven times the just fall, and is raised again. One does not reach any heights unless you’re coming from a low place. There’s a universal balance that instructs us to appreciate goodness. To acknowledge and uphold the good, however, one must first experience the bad. It’s the path that human nature has chosen since Adam and Eve in listening to the evil one after God had already given the direction to Not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. We have therefore fallen into the death of the Knowledge of good and evil battle that constantly broil within each being. Still, God, in His immense compassion toward us, set plans for our restoration to return to Him. We have reached rock bottom but not to remain there. Rather, to remember that God plans for us to prosper and looks to raise us even after our great fall. So wobble not in sin, don’t remain hiding in a corner licking your wounds too long (so to speak) after having received blows that came to destroy you. Just as the saying goes “while your head has not been chopped off, hope to wear a hat,” so also one should keep hope alive in God who has not brought you this far to leave you. Yes, you’ve had a great fall, oh,Chosen One, but get up, dust yourself off, and look to rise above the fall. Lesson learned? Now go forth and prosper for God’s glory!

Meditation 07-25-2023


Just when you thought you figured out the answers to all the questions, they came up with a new set of questions which sends you right back to the start again!

You never really know the whole story! There’s always a loophole, a hidden fact, an untold story, a dark secret or a misunderstanding! So never think for a second that what you think you know is all there is! The greatest investigators have fallen short quite often or they’ve succeeded in convincing the majority that they nailed that investigation! Because in the end for most, it’s all about convincing the mass public! The bitter truth lies in the palm of God’s capable hands! So as you watch others roaming blindly to get from point A to point B, if you can’t pray them up, compliment their strength or effort, lend a helping hand. If neither is possible just quietly get out of their way, let them do the best they can!

Also, did you ever stop to consider if there are any More people that you might’ve offended in your life, so much so that they’re struggling to live still while you’re wanting to be ready to exit? Seriously, do you ever wonder if you forgot one or some and neglected to lift them in prayer for God to intervene and restore them for you after you had made foolish mistakes that had lasting effects in their lives while you were lacking? Have you ever had a strong desire to give a healing hug to the whole world to relieve them all of the bitterness, resentment, pain and suffering that seems too clingy? I think different people feel this in different ways. This is why there are artists, writers, singers, doctors, teachers, etc. I guess this is mine!

The thing is that not everyone heals the same way but most do. Some others don’t want to heal, they prefer hardcore revenge on repeat if at all possible!

No one really cares why a person is evil, has a mean streak, is a criminal or has chosen the wrong path or actions unless that person has been ordered by God Himself or it’s a chosen profession that pays well. Honestly, some people made it their passion to try to get inside other people’s head just by asking them questions to get them to find or see for themselves who they’ve become or where it is they’ve landed in life. And from there they can choose to make an intelligible decision to mend their ways, pay the consequences or both.

Never rejoice over someone else’s failure or the fact that they’ve been caught. Just because they didn’t catch you yet, that doesn’t mean you’re innocent. FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALLEN SHORT OF GOD’S GLORY AND ALL ARE JUSTIFIED FREELY BY HIS GRACE THROUGH THE REDEMPTION THAT CAME BY CHRIST JESUS. (Rom.3:23-24). Know this and understand it well, no one of their own volition wants someone who has done them wrong once or many times to be free of their offence unless God has occupied or preoccupied their heart through Jesus. That is the honest to goodness truth right there I tell you! Human nature cannot survive or overcome wicked traits without God’s gift of Salvation in Jesus. Since Cain it’s been proven lacking and since Abel it’s been proven a challenge. Jesus gifted us His ALL because he knew right off the bat that in order for us to succeed at any good thing in this life is OVER HIS DEAD BODY AND RESURRECTION. So He did just that in gifting us His Salvation.

Think for a second of some characters of the bible. Do you think anyone considered Goliath’s history, lineage or upbringing that turned him into a bully? You think anyone thought of what shaped Jezebel into an evil woman? Did people give second thoughts as to what provoked Cain into killing his own brother? Please, No! More often than not, no one cares. To care enough to find out why things or people are the way they are however is also to nourish the self for improvement purposes and to prevent human failure that comes by lack of instruction. Like the Haitian saying, “when your comrade’s beard catches fire, put yours to soak.” (Just as God used major and minor prophets, servants of old to relay messages to His people, so also God uses ordinary people today to reach others). As it is written in God’s word “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” Hosea 4:6. To become a caring being requires in-depth core values, built-in fruits of the Spirit, Godly characteristics and functioning armors of God.  To be a good person inside and out, no one knows or considers what work effort has been put into maintaining it. From the bottom of the barrel all the way up to it’s brim, no one knows sacrifices made, shamed insults endured, scrapes or falls experienced. The present isn’t always as smooth as it seems. But who cares of such if not God’s servant!

There are some things that even God respects for the human being and will not cross its line. One of them is a weary and tired soul, He understands the need to rest. There’s rest in the final destination in life but there’s also rest in God’s bosom as He lead one in the right path throughout life and in ministry. Hence His word says “Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

MBM-Tine Brice (ZAYIN)


The boot camp of christian living is to Not feed the flesh every single thing it asks for but to treat it STRICTLY. (1 Corinthians 9:27). The world is full of accessories that beautifies or corrupts the flesh but for the christian, God asks that we wear the word of God around our neck (Proverbs 3:3), meditating on it night and day, (Joshua 1:8), to get suited up with the full and whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11)so as to withstand the devil’s tricks and attacks. God’s child is to be clothed in righteousness, adorned with the fruits of the Spirit all the while producing fruits worthy of repentance that is well in the Master’s taste as we worship Him in Spirit and in truth.  Love is the road that leads us there!

Mankind has created materials that are stain-proof, bullet-proof, water-proof and so on but how awesome it would be if one could be stain/sin-resistant before God. To present oneself spotless before the King of Glory ought to be every Christian’s deepest desire! Spiritual wellbeing is not just a phrase nor is it to be taken lightly but it ought to be a daily mandatory need gnawing at the core of the depth of each Godchild seeking repose in Him for eternity’s sake!

It is so easy to get blind-sided, sidetracked, distracted and discombobulated when it pertains to Godly measures. The mindset to uphold however is to NOT sell-out, give in to temptation or compromise, to not become the devil’s footstool, a backslider, a christian drop-out so to speak, because many have fallen within that category while claiming to be still enrolled in the University of Faith but performing under the assumptions, notion and requirements of the flesh! Seek Temperance. To be justified by one’s Faith requires constant efforts that often burn the core desires of the being yet gratifies well and deep past the depth of the core of one’s being even onto the Spirit-self. It is well worth the efforts and journey.

If you’re not going to and/or can’t even fathom the idea of being constant at anything in life, it is best to begin at being true to yourself at the very least. It will be a start!

*(Be not held captive by your own dark desires but set yourself free so as to set others free)!* (Isaiah 61:1 proclaim liberty to prisoners and captives setting them free) begins within, with self then work outward onto others!

MBM-Tine Brice

(I’m not a theologian, philosopher or such just a simple servant of God with thoughts and ideas that sits well within my spirit being to get me from point A to point B and it works for me hence it might therefore work for you as well. All the while hoping and praying that my thoughts and or ideas could be the answer to someone’s prayer for a way out or at least a starting point to get there. And so if it’s not yours please leave it be and carry on, it might become useful to another who is stuck at life’s crossroads to glory. Just a thought)!


As servants of the Most High God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth each word, sentence, verse, prayer, song, is a fullness of impartation being sent out into the universe. We are charged to release into the atmosphere the goodness we once received or were taught through the instructions of the Holy Spirit. We pray that our sowed seeds have landed on the fertile soil of your heart’s depth to multiply and reproduce the goodness of loving fruits; impacting generations unto Jesus who is soon to come for the harvest. Have we not imparted what we received as in healing, forgiveness, love, compassion, kindness, faith, grace, yearning to deepen our relationship with Christ throughout the journey? Have we not sought to find you beneath the rubbles of your displeasures to rise with you in the measure of God’s treasure bestowed in our verses? Have we not blessed you with good measures pressed down, shaken together and running over for the time to come so that you can withstand the storm in any season? If after having given all we have to you there’s still a lack then obviously God might be attracting you to Him now for a full one-on-one to peak your knowledge! Adhere His teachings, submit to His call, surrender your desires to His will, lay at His feet your burdens and give Him all that remain in you! You’ve received enough to be partakers in the great commission! Let someone know Jesus the Savior loves them and remind them He soon comes as Judge. It’s time for us all to get our house in order! Let’s do this!

Written 01-21-2021

MBM-Tine Brice


God’s servants are charged and obligated to love you regardless of your lacking and they do but that doesn’t mean they should tolerate your absurdity, applaud your drama or entertain your foolishness. Because they know a little of God’s word, they understand what is expected of them. (Just the same they wouldn’t expect you to suffer from their nonsensicals either, but do intend on hearing you call them out (privately first) on the what nots). It takes a lot of love for a person to correct another on their errors and or mischievous ways without actually killing or murdering their spirit. It requires an overload of patience, lots of wisdom and humility. And even as one humbles themselves for the sole purpose of correcting another, there’s always a grand possibility that the terrain may not be ready to receive, accept, comply or agree that such a correction should come from ‘you.’ Yet God’s word clearly specifies that if you see your brother in sin (Gal. 6:1) to reprove him, (James 5:19-20), unless you want to bear their burdens (Ezekiel 33:7-12), it must be done (2Tim. 4:2) with patience and teaching (Gal. 5:26) without provoking one another. However, it’s important to know where to draw the line even when there’s a given right. Things ought to be done with wisdom and respect.

Remember David, though he knew King Saul was in the wrong in wanting to kill him and it wasn’t in God’s will, still when God delivered him into David’s hands, he was cautious enough to NOT touch God’s anointed. It’s the same King Saul that God rejected that David spoke of. Honestly, it takes anointed grace to confront others concerning their mishaps, and at times it can appear to be purely diabolical what must be confronted. Most will be quick to say “you can’t judge me, you’re not God, you don’t know me or my heart!” Some others might say, ” I’m grown you don’t tell me what to do.” As still others may lash out in reversing a bible verse on you saying, “why don’t you first take the plank out of your eyes, then you’ll see clearer to remove the speck from someone else’s eyes” (Matthew 6:5). All the while they’re drowning deeper into their sinful nature, letting it consume them though it was God that led you to them. When these things occur as they often do, remember this, you’re a simple messenger. Once you delivered the message you’re done. How they reacted, what you were called afterwards when they dug deep into your past because of service rendered has absolutely Nothing to do with you! You need not enter a long strenuous debate to try to explain yourself even if they ask, for fear of being tempted yourself; unless He who sent you also told you to clarify, detail and simplify.

If we look at each person we encounter in life as an individual construction site where we’re merely relief workers it will be simpler. Even if we didn’t know when the previous shift ended; when it’s our turn, we cross their path as directed, focus on the service to be rendered, do it well, Godly and with good humor, then clock out, move on. We weren’t there to close a deal or finish the construction unless God directed otherwise, we leave after having set our brick and leave the next phase to another because we only were responsible for a Portion. Those with burdens of souls whom God has called as Pastors, Evangelists, Bishops and so on will have come after to accomplish the work, to wrap up, if God so wills it. It is indeed great labor and we are always short of workers. Therefore it’s quite important to understand and know how to do the work well so that we don’t appear as those scattering as the Shepherd gathers souls. Know this, after God has managed to gather through Jesus’ salvation gift distributed among those Sheep Herders, anointed for soul-saving purposes, those who disperse souls, the scatterers will be held accountable for destroying or endangering the work. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

Let’s keep God’s Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) safe…for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing….(Hebrews 13:2)!

Written 01-20-2021

MBM-Tine Brice


There are times in life when un-appointed schedulings happen for the benefit of souls, or so it seems. To us it’s unscheduled but to God’s omnicience, omnipotence and omnipresence it’s all on good terms and rightly timed.

Jesus didn’t have to go to Jairus’s house to revive his twelve year old daughter (Luke 8:43-48), but there was along that same path to the man’s house a woman with the issue of blood that was appointed to touch His garment for a complete healing. After twelve years of suffering and having spent all her money on all sorts of healing methods the healing grace reached her because she believed it could happen. Jesus could’ve just told Jairus like he told others, go your child lives but that would’ve prevented the woman’s healing that she so long awaited. Yet Jesus had to meet the Samaritan woman at the well leading her to the truth first so she could bring to Him a crowd that would believe, such a divine appointment.

(Matthew 8:8-13), The Centurion’s faith, because he understood authority and respected a person’s position, his servant was healed by Jesus’ word alone. And in Galilee Jesus would meet the Official from Capernaum who just believed for the healing of his son because Jesus said it, (John 4:49-52) which would bring salvation to the whole family. There’s great blessings in believing in God’s divine healing anointing in Christ Jesus but only those convicted can actually receive it. Hence part of of the reason for the many infirmities we encounter.

When we walk according to the Spirit of God, we walk divinely appointed to touch lives we know nothing of. This is a truth we know in part and may never be revealed fully in our lifetime but in glory we will meet all souls touched by divine appointments throughout life’s journey that we had no clue of. If you’re sure to have followed God’s word in redirecting others who have crossed your path, you’ve already laid the foundation that will hold and take them into God’s eternity. If their foundation was already set when they met you then it’s possible that an encounter with you was just to add another brick that solidify their stand, path and walk. (Often a problem occurs in thinking or believing it’s up to us to do the complete work in each person encountered whereas at times the amount to set is just one block and it’s another person that might complete the construction). Because not everyone’s journey is the same it’s best to remain open minded and Jesus focused. One must trust and believe now that God who has begun such great works in you will accomplish it (Isaiah 26:12) in the heart of the lives you’ve impacted positively for his glory (John 5:30). Hence we should constantly pray that the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ (of Nazareth) be upon us that he might establish the works of our hands. (Psalms 90:17)

MBM-Tine Brice