When you’re on the Highway to Heaven there’s no time for off or break, just make sure there’s enough fuel in your tank for the full journey! With unceasing prayer and repentance God will definitely pass you through all crossroads! He’s faithful and just to help you achieve greatness right into His eternity when your sincerity reaches Him!


I can’t handle what you’ve gone through nor do I want to try. You can’t handle what I’ve been through nor do you care to believe how truly real it’s all been in my shoes. The hard fact still remains that as human beings we go through some serious crappy situations especially in years passed) and we are deeply in need of God THE HIGHEST OF ALL POWERS, to pull us through. This is reality in a nutshell but not everyone is ready to digest this truth. What level of understanding you’ve accumulated from your experiences earned cannot compare to mine, nor can mine withstand your past storm. Yet and still together we can speak to this present world of the hows, whats, whens, wheres, whos, and whys we’ve travelled (never in complete detail). Through each trial we’ve leveled in language be it subdued or loud. The vastness of your story regardless is hidden from you as is mine hidden from me partially but when we stand before God’s great throne in all glory to behold His righteousness, only then will we know in full what all that hassle was about. It will all make so much sense then. We will see the full picture, no hindrance to our comprehension or sight, physical nor spiritual then. How very grand that will be when we find out at long last the reason behind all our present hardships, world pandemics, nation wars, public humiliations, chaotic and evil outbreaks. Though some of us know now partially that the signs of the end of times are around us, our little brain no matter how clever we are cannot withstand the full blow of the complete plenitude of the understanding behind all that’s been.

Until that time comes, let us take lessons from the non-swimmer and learn to tread water to keep from drowning. Let us learn from the ants and gather provision during harvesting and store it for time of lack and need. Let’s also learn from the eagle that soars higher than the storm. We will make it to the other side of glory if we persist and falter not. We have built-in spiritual armors to make it to God’s eternity, we can, we will. What awaits us is beyond human comprehension. We will fully know just how precious we have always been to God to have caused our journey so dangerous, outrageous and downright ridiculous and unfair often times. We’ll know finally why evil hated us so much with that undying passion. Reading God’s word and following His lead, we Are making it to Him with full focus on Jesus the perfecter of our faith!


Written 01-21-21

MBM-Tine Brice


As servants of the Most High God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth each word, sentence, verse, prayer, song, is a fullness of impartation being sent out into the universe. We are charged to release into the atmosphere the goodness we once received or were taught through the instructions of the Holy Spirit. We pray that our sowed seeds have landed on the fertile soil of your heart’s depth to multiply and reproduce the goodness of loving fruits; impacting generations unto Jesus who is soon to come for the harvest. Have we not imparted what we received as in healing, forgiveness, love, compassion, kindness, faith, grace, yearning to deepen our relationship with Christ throughout the journey? Have we not sought to find you beneath the rubbles of your displeasures to rise with you in the measure of God’s treasure bestowed in our verses? Have we not blessed you with good measures pressed down, shaken together and running over for the time to come so that you can withstand the storm in any season? If after having given all we have to you there’s still a lack then obviously God might be attracting you to Him now for a full one-on-one to peak your knowledge! Adhere His teachings, submit to His call, surrender your desires to His will, lay at His feet your burdens and give Him all that remain in you! You’ve received enough to be partakers in the great commission! Let someone know Jesus the Savior loves them and remind them He soon comes as Judge. It’s time for us all to get our house in order! Let’s do this!

Written 01-21-2021

MBM-Tine Brice


Always struggling and getting nowhere

Always praying when life’s unfair

Always searching for something new

Always illusion never what’s true

Not only feeling out of place

Not just among our human race

Not only shifting from God’s love

Not soaring as a peaceful dove

There must be some way to escape

There must be other paths to take

There is with God a time and hours

There life’s thorns transform to flowers

Written in the 1990s

MBM-Tine Brice


I’m a prisoner of love

I have problems still to solve

My heart ache with love in vain

Warden please loosen the chain

Say your prayers Dear Sweet Child

Love endures with mercy mild

Prisoners of love dismay

Must not let their love decay

Shine and twinkle soft adieu

Memories of life anew

Flicker and Sparkle repose

To a stillness no one knows

Written in 1991

MBM-Tine Brice