When you’re on the Highway to Heaven there’s no time for off or break, just make sure there’s enough fuel in your tank for the full journey! With unceasing prayer and repentance God will definitely pass you through all crossroads! He’s faithful and just to help you achieve greatness right into His eternity when your sincerity reaches Him!



You know, there isn’t a “How to live your life as a miracle” book anywhere! (I believe the bible has an answer for whatever ails you, and the whole book serves its purpose)! If there was a book guide on living life as a miracle however, I think it would begin like this! “Live each day at a time, a step at a time, a breath at a time, a second at a time, trusting and relying on God ALL the time until there’s no more time!” Either way, living life as a miracle with 10% oxygen and blood flow to fuel the entire body can be very tiring! No one tells you this ahead of time! You just have to trust and believe in the miracle within!!!
MBM-Tine Brice


Brethren, always make it a habit to live and grow in Faith. It’s needed for your well-being but also because you never know who will need to rely on your own faith to see them through a tight situation. This also is a life of service to God. Remember when Jesus was in the boat sleeping while the storm was raging, his disciples woke him saying “Master care you not that we perish,” Mark 4:37-41! He didn’t linger but acted quickly then reprimanded them saying, “O ye of little faith!” (Matthew 8:26, Luke 8:25). It’s not that they were incapable of speaking to their storm but that they lacked faith. Being so, they needed to rely on Jesus faith even when they were well equipped to act.

Too often on our journey we come across situations where no one needs to move in our favor for the miracle to take place because we have built in power to take us there and further, but we let life instances stifle, choke, suppress our faith capacity. We have built in power and authority to say PEACE, THE LORD REBUKE YOU, STOP, BE HEALED, AWAY FROM ME, NO, GET UP AND WALK, GET THEE HENCE, BE QUIET or BE STILL, (etc…) because Jesus promised greater works we will do; but first we must apply into our own lives what we’ve been instructed in faith. Do not let the enemy of your soul drag you into an incapacitated, debilitated, vegetated state of mind. That dullness of the mind is how he has destroyed many believers, leave him no room for access! When God’s word said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, God had You in mind as well when releasing that word and it won’t return to Him void until it’s done that which it was set out to do. God’s blessed word is the ornaments of your life so color yourself faithfully beautiful and handsome! Be not fooled!

As a man thinks in his heart so is he says God’s word in proverbs 23:7, it’s high time to command your mind to take you to that higher level where God envision you to be. The complete version of you await your arrival, don’t let yourself down! Tame the heart of your brain to fall into place. When you want to fall into temptation you give yourself a million and one reasons why it’s just and they’re all lies concocted by the darkness within trying to oppress you until you succumb. That ability you have to talk yourself down, it’s time to reverse it into raising yourself up to reach a nirvana of the brain, where the excess negativism is quenched making room for Godly purpose in all faith. So now the old power you used to degrade and destroy yourself, convert that into fuel to build yourself up and shame the devil. This has been one of his fears, of you succeeding, achieving, reaching beyond the capacity of your knowledge to trust God, time to serve him his just deserve! Take that leap of faith and land exactly where God has envisioned your completeness. The Plenitude of Faithful You Awaits, but it must start in the heart of your mind! Say YES to God’s Faith In You Through Christ Jesus!

Battle Scripture References:

Matthew 13:15, Hebrews 5:11, Psalm 92:5-6, Ezekiel 12:2, Matthew 4:10, John 8:43, Romans 3:11, Psalm 82:5, Micah 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:7

MBM-Tine Brice