When you’re on the Highway to Heaven there’s no time for off or break, just make sure there’s enough fuel in your tank for the full journey! With unceasing prayer and repentance God will definitely pass you through all crossroads! He’s faithful and just to help you achieve greatness right into His eternity when your sincerity reaches Him!


“If you can commit yourself to recognizing and working daily on adjustments that need to be made toward solidifying your relationship with God then you can deem yourself having halfway won the race into His eternity!”


I can finally think of and remember one good thing that I did that I’m suffering as a result of it until now and it’s been years since it happened. Once while riding the bus more than twenty years ago, I overheard a conversation that filled me with a revelation. I guess you could say I was edified through a word or a phrase from the conversation. The lady was speaking with another about something she did, has done, will do or such but what I received from that was VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HALLELUIAH NIGHT FOR THE KIDS DEPARTMENT. I went to church and shared my vision with another teacher in the kids department and we just ran with that vision to put it into fruition.

(You see, in God’s house you must be vision focused else you miss out on a big blessing coming your way). (God’s church/people cannot, should not agree to remain visionless. We ought to strive to become and remain visionaries for the purpose of God’s great commission because Jesus soon comes to collect His own! Ready we must be).
I’m not sure we were well accepted for having had and put into action such a vision, but we surely were tested. Here’s why I said that! There was no one there to open doors for us when it was time to meet. We would wait a long time or hours patiently. No one considered that walking over an hour to go meet and over an hour again to go home might be tiring even to us. On our way to meet with kids that had gathered waiting we would get attacked by dogs roaming the streets and tell each other of our hardships upon meet with bitter tears then move onward. (You see, sometimes if you must cry, do so then afterwards move on with the task at hand for God to see though it hurts you’re trying). Parents who finally decided to send their kids to VBS didn’t comply fully with all aspects hence we had no funding to feed the lunch promised and we were unemployed. One single parent was consistent in providing the financial requirements at that time and through her we could meet all needs. (Until today, she hasn’t a clue just how God used her to feed our multitude so to speak. I feel she’s truly blessed and that God loves her. Never look down on others for you never know whom God will use to come to your aide). It felt like every eyes were on us watching to see if it was really God that was moving through us to do these deeds. We never complained but we made do with what God had provided being thankful for what came! We gave our all making each meeting as fun, productive and biblically purposeful as we possibly could. The kids seem to have enjoyed each meeting. Because we believed these revelations came from God we gave it our all with no complaints though we had ample reason to complain, pout, throw tantrums and give up. VBS was a complete success, God blessed it by honoring us with a few saved souls. Then came Halleluiah Night when we gathered to Honor God for bringing us thus far and closed it by eating together. Had we not obey, who’s to say what would have become of these few souls that came to Christ? Many of these kids found their voices in Christ during those times! (Never let anyone stifle your voice in God)! When God gives you a vision don’t question your situation in it! As you take a leap of faith after praying and knowing it is truly God leading just remain focused on the purpose! Be purpose driven always for God.
No one said the road would be easy but let me tell you, it will always be worth the journey and your reward is not of men but God! Years later when God sent a vision to the man of God, God also told him to put Martine in that vision for it will flourish, I heard! …And when God send you someone after long awaiting, for God’s sake learn how to hold on to that person. It’s not about the person seriously but about what God has implanted within that person for your benefit. Some people are blessing carry-ers. They have the blessings to deliver to its owner but you must position yourself always to receive, hold and keep that blessing to expand it. A blessing at its best stage gives off a domino effect. Knowing this, check your blessing and work on expanding it!

Whose report do you believe? You should believe the report of the Lord! Do you have a God-given vision? What are you waiting for? Jesus soon come, get busy!

MBM-Tine Brice

Stay Hopeful

When God is about to raise a race, nation, or people they become the target of many races, nations and people because God’s eyes are on that specific country and they have found favor in God because of the elected few. Tell me what you will but change soon comes, it’s real good and it’s Godly. Carry burdens that brings forth blessings!

MBM-Tine Brice