Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

God looks forward to us coming closer to Him else He wouldn’t have said come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He meant that. The same keen, attentive hearing you’ve developed now, sometimes, don’t you wish you had that exact keen hearing from the start of your faith walk with God with the obedience to follow and fall in place? When you look back and recognize mistakes made along the way and having learned better now, sometimes don’t you wish you could’ve jumped ahead into quick obedience? Well, it doesn’t work that way. Life’s essence is based on trial and error, and for most people, to learn the lesson thoroughly; they had to have had the bitter experience, learned from the harsh sting and live to testify it, instruct it, preach it, & glorify God through it! Either way, God will receive His glory! Unless a lesson is learned, the experience isn’t embedded deep enough in the core being. It has become so much easier to turn a deaf ear to God throughout time so much that no one tries to listen anymore, while many denies he speaks at all! This is The Revival that still needs to be had, that still need to reawaken within the soul of many believers. It’s a spiritual tone deafness that causes even the most fervent hearts to be impaired in their judgment because the Holy Spirit has long since been stiffled. If your source of comfort is stiffled then the people will have had committed spiritual suicide. They would result to becoming a walking corpse, a bleached (whitewashed sepulchres-Matthew 23:27) tomb, a flower that’s lost its fragrance, a sun that lost its shine, salt without flavor! How then will you savor the anointing? For just as we who are many have become one body in Christ, (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) so also, the group efforts of all senses are necessary for the whole to be absorbed. How, oh how will we ever be able to perform effectively? Dear believer, never stop listening for God’s voice and always check to confirm what’s heard. It’s best to stifle all other voices but to tune in to God, rather to stifle God and tune in to all other voices which seem to have been the trending occurrence. It’s detriment to the existing and coming generation the deafening silence that’s imposed. Isn’t it already too evident how such a state has fallen too deeply rooted within the very core of our young ones beings? No longer are we raising Samuels who come seeking out Elis for response of God’s divine calling (1 Samuel 3:4-10). The rhythm and vibration of one’s spiritual hearing must always be aligned into God’s word for the evil one tires not and the world waits not on you catching up before targeting its victim’s void! The seal (plonb), that has filled too many’s ears must be lifted finally for the effectiveness and plenitude of complete revival to be sbsorbed. As the Shofar has many sounds (tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah), to alert the listener, so also must each believer learn to listen and recognize the voice, tune, rhythm, sound of God’s Spirit that constantly calls out to His own. Samuels, be attentive, LISTEN to God’s comfort drawing you near! Never be afraid of asking God, “did You call me?”

Don’t be the reason why others stop listening to God, rather, be part of the reason why they run to God asking if He spoke. THIS IS A CALL TO SPIRITUAL ARMS. The armors of God (Ephesians 6:11), isn’t the only arms needed for these times, with ALL your being, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! Tune your ears to His Words, His Words is revelation to draw in souls! There’s been alot of talking true, but if it isn’t God or Godly, it’s effectiveness on the soul is nought. SAMUEL, BE OBSERVANT, REVIVE AND LISTEN!!!



7 dips/plunges
The Prophet Elisha told Naaman to go dip in the Jordan river seven times (2 Kings 5:1-19). He was reluctant, but it brought him healing when he did, WITHOUT A TOUCH. Obedience brings forth healing! Do you want to be healed? Accept, receive, and take your bitter truth medicines-JESUS HEALS! OBEDENCE IS WORTH MORE THAN THE SACRIFICE! (THOUGH SOMETIMES THEY WORK TOGETHER TO BRING ABOUT SWEET CHANGE, you must be willing to go through the process to reach the gain)! Oftentimes, the miracle happens while obeying, but our carnal eyes don’t pick up on the evidence until the full process is complete. (Like the 10 lepers when one of them realized healing had been settled, he returned to give thanks, Luke 17:11-19). It kind of make you wonder if the other 9 were blind or faithless to their healing or did they just take it lightly that they had been healed! Maybe, like many of us, they didn’t realize their healing had settled until years later, one day out of the blue they realized “oh hey look, I’m no longer suffering from this ailment. When did it stop hurting? I don’t even remember anymore!” It’s a sad thing to become so accustomed to one’s pain that even deliverance from it goes unnoticed because on the inside something died, we became numb to cope. Never let yourself become so dead or numb on the inside while trying to cope with anything. Always renounce, denounce what ails you even if it seems bigger than you, and feels like it’s swallowing you out of existence. Take a ridiculous leap of faith on God’s promise because you can’t go wrong in doing so. It beats ending up on the wrong side of living anyway! What you must do to be healed might sound ridiculous, and like Naaman, you might want to raise some questions that may sound logical to your situation, but GOD IS GREATER THAN ALL LOGIC. That thing stands in line to God’s will. So obey without understanding to reach the undeserved healing that you hunger for. He who has begun a great work in you is faithful and just to accomplish what He started. He has NOT brought you this far to abandon you. God in Jesus is the greatest fisher of men and when He cast His net over you whether it is to heal, save and correct you, He won’t miss; the Holy Spirit gives no chances, (Ezekiel 32:3). Now is the time to obey!!!

Meditation 07-10-2023


Life consists of ups and downs, of right and wrong, of good and bad. To reject the reverse of anything life dishes out without learning its given lesson is to live a life that’s obsolete! You risk leaving with a head stone inscribed, here lies obsolete from beginning to end! Be bold enough to brave life’s lessons before exiting. Always keep an open heart to receiving its instructions!
“My people perish for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6
Written 03-20-2021
MBM-Tine Brice


Speak to me

I’m human

Sometimes I feel your pain when you let me in

But too often you remain distant from me

As if I’m alien

You know I care but you keep listening

To another voice

Listen to me when I’m caring so

Don’t shut me out

Can’t you ever tell when I await your approach?

I want you to be free

Free to come to me when in need

Free to speak your mind

Free to choose the time to come

Free to say as you please

Take advantage of my presence

Don’t be so quick to shut me out?

I know what you feel before you felt it

But I still need you to speak the truth of

Your feelings to me as if I did not know

Any of it

Can’t you feel my love for you?

I don’t tire of your presence

I hurt when you discard mine

I give my ALL to you still…

Speak to me



Written in 2000

MBM-Tine Brice



The greatest sermon I’ve ever heard was preached to me directly by the Holy Spirit Himself. He spoke it into my Spirit so softly and tenderly. It stirred my life for years in a desire to make things and keep them right for the glory of God. I watch and pray still toward that goal.

You will recognize Your greatest sermon by the way it shakes and shapes your life, by the way it can’t be forgotten, by the way it remains so alive within your being as if you just heard it and it’s becoming you daily! It beckons you to the calling you received. It steers you into righteousness. It will be the glow that others see when looking at you without them even knowing what they’re looking at. It will leave others speechless as it’s beyond one’s knowledge of understanding once attained.

May God tune your heart’s ears and mind’s alertness focus to stay on Him long enough for you to receive Your Greatest Sermon from the Holy Spirit! In this day and age you need to hear from the Holy Spirit so that your passage, journey may not be in vain in Jesus name! Refine your tuning to the rhythm of the Holy Spirit by staying in God’s word, allowing it room, permitting it to change you from inside out! God is taking you somewhere great for His glory! Get ready to be mesmerized!

MBM-Tine Brice


I can finally think of and remember one good thing that I did that I’m suffering as a result of it until now and it’s been years since it happened. Once while riding the bus more than twenty years ago, I overheard a conversation that filled me with a revelation. I guess you could say I was edified through a word or a phrase from the conversation. The lady was speaking with another about something she did, has done, will do or such but what I received from that was VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HALLELUIAH NIGHT FOR THE KIDS DEPARTMENT. I went to church and shared my vision with another teacher in the kids department and we just ran with that vision to put it into fruition.

(You see, in God’s house you must be vision focused else you miss out on a big blessing coming your way). (God’s church/people cannot, should not agree to remain visionless. We ought to strive to become and remain visionaries for the purpose of God’s great commission because Jesus soon comes to collect His own! Ready we must be).
I’m not sure we were well accepted for having had and put into action such a vision, but we surely were tested. Here’s why I said that! There was no one there to open doors for us when it was time to meet. We would wait a long time or hours patiently. No one considered that walking over an hour to go meet and over an hour again to go home might be tiring even to us. On our way to meet with kids that had gathered waiting we would get attacked by dogs roaming the streets and tell each other of our hardships upon meet with bitter tears then move onward. (You see, sometimes if you must cry, do so then afterwards move on with the task at hand for God to see though it hurts you’re trying). Parents who finally decided to send their kids to VBS didn’t comply fully with all aspects hence we had no funding to feed the lunch promised and we were unemployed. One single parent was consistent in providing the financial requirements at that time and through her we could meet all needs. (Until today, she hasn’t a clue just how God used her to feed our multitude so to speak. I feel she’s truly blessed and that God loves her. Never look down on others for you never know whom God will use to come to your aide). It felt like every eyes were on us watching to see if it was really God that was moving through us to do these deeds. We never complained but we made do with what God had provided being thankful for what came! We gave our all making each meeting as fun, productive and biblically purposeful as we possibly could. The kids seem to have enjoyed each meeting. Because we believed these revelations came from God we gave it our all with no complaints though we had ample reason to complain, pout, throw tantrums and give up. VBS was a complete success, God blessed it by honoring us with a few saved souls. Then came Halleluiah Night when we gathered to Honor God for bringing us thus far and closed it by eating together. Had we not obey, who’s to say what would have become of these few souls that came to Christ? Many of these kids found their voices in Christ during those times! (Never let anyone stifle your voice in God)! When God gives you a vision don’t question your situation in it! As you take a leap of faith after praying and knowing it is truly God leading just remain focused on the purpose! Be purpose driven always for God.
No one said the road would be easy but let me tell you, it will always be worth the journey and your reward is not of men but God! Years later when God sent a vision to the man of God, God also told him to put Martine in that vision for it will flourish, I heard! …And when God send you someone after long awaiting, for God’s sake learn how to hold on to that person. It’s not about the person seriously but about what God has implanted within that person for your benefit. Some people are blessing carry-ers. They have the blessings to deliver to its owner but you must position yourself always to receive, hold and keep that blessing to expand it. A blessing at its best stage gives off a domino effect. Knowing this, check your blessing and work on expanding it!

Whose report do you believe? You should believe the report of the Lord! Do you have a God-given vision? What are you waiting for? Jesus soon come, get busy!

MBM-Tine Brice


God please be in the spirit that manifest in me!
God please clothe me in your sanctity!
God help me to love the enemy within!
God break the cycle before it continues through me!
God consume all evil in me and the likes!
God please help me to support your gift of salvation with my spiritual walk to you!
God please help me be a source of encouragement to those around me!
God let me be cautious in my walk with you.
God help me to be confident in serving you but not boastful or too proud.
God humble my heart to you Lord!
God please help me to see you in everyone I meet.
God help me to accept the sacrifice of your Son Jesus blood as the clorox that cleanses my soul.
God please help me to remain pure, clean, sanctified for you after you’ve cleansed me with your Son’s Royal blood.
God help me to remember that I’m of Royal Blood and to live as such but in your likeness.
God though I’m lacking still, please let others see you in me so your name may be glorified in my living and serving you.
God remember Jesus Blood and be gracious to my soul still.
God please command the sacrifice of Jesus blood be efficient to my soul’s salvation.
God command my heart to serve, love and obey your word, will and way for this is my deepest desire.
God help me to be a good example to those around me whether they’re saved or not.
God let me always uphold you as my first love and never let me replace you.
God let me never run out of words to say to you in prayer.
God please guide the parents so they don’t try to fulfill their own life’s dreams through their kids.
God please help the kids to follow Jesus footsteps and help parents and kids to instill provisions of all goodness inside themselves so their offsprings can receive their blessings even before birth.
God let your will be done above all I ask in prayer as you know best!…..
MBM-Tine Brice