Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

God looks forward to us coming closer to Him else He wouldn’t have said come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). He meant that. The same keen, attentive hearing you’ve developed now, sometimes, don’t you wish you had that exact keen hearing from the start of your faith walk with God with the obedience to follow and fall in place? When you look back and recognize mistakes made along the way and having learned better now, sometimes don’t you wish you could’ve jumped ahead into quick obedience? Well, it doesn’t work that way. Life’s essence is based on trial and error, and for most people, to learn the lesson thoroughly; they had to have had the bitter experience, learned from the harsh sting and live to testify it, instruct it, preach it, & glorify God through it! Either way, God will receive His glory! Unless a lesson is learned, the experience isn’t embedded deep enough in the core being. It has become so much easier to turn a deaf ear to God throughout time so much that no one tries to listen anymore, while many denies he speaks at all! This is The Revival that still needs to be had, that still need to reawaken within the soul of many believers. It’s a spiritual tone deafness that causes even the most fervent hearts to be impaired in their judgment because the Holy Spirit has long since been stiffled. If your source of comfort is stiffled then the people will have had committed spiritual suicide. They would result to becoming a walking corpse, a bleached (whitewashed sepulchres-Matthew 23:27) tomb, a flower that’s lost its fragrance, a sun that lost its shine, salt without flavor! How then will you savor the anointing? For just as we who are many have become one body in Christ, (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) so also, the group efforts of all senses are necessary for the whole to be absorbed. How, oh how will we ever be able to perform effectively? Dear believer, never stop listening for God’s voice and always check to confirm what’s heard. It’s best to stifle all other voices but to tune in to God, rather to stifle God and tune in to all other voices which seem to have been the trending occurrence. It’s detriment to the existing and coming generation the deafening silence that’s imposed. Isn’t it already too evident how such a state has fallen too deeply rooted within the very core of our young ones beings? No longer are we raising Samuels who come seeking out Elis for response of God’s divine calling (1 Samuel 3:4-10). The rhythm and vibration of one’s spiritual hearing must always be aligned into God’s word for the evil one tires not and the world waits not on you catching up before targeting its victim’s void! The seal (plonb), that has filled too many’s ears must be lifted finally for the effectiveness and plenitude of complete revival to be sbsorbed. As the Shofar has many sounds (tekiah, shevarim, teruah, and tekiah gedolah), to alert the listener, so also must each believer learn to listen and recognize the voice, tune, rhythm, sound of God’s Spirit that constantly calls out to His own. Samuels, be attentive, LISTEN to God’s comfort drawing you near! Never be afraid of asking God, “did You call me?”

Don’t be the reason why others stop listening to God, rather, be part of the reason why they run to God asking if He spoke. THIS IS A CALL TO SPIRITUAL ARMS. The armors of God (Ephesians 6:11), isn’t the only arms needed for these times, with ALL your being, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit! Tune your ears to His Words, His Words is revelation to draw in souls! There’s been alot of talking true, but if it isn’t God or Godly, it’s effectiveness on the soul is nought. SAMUEL, BE OBSERVANT, REVIVE AND LISTEN!!!
