God’s promise is true and sure regardless of our circumstances. God gave Joseph prophetic dreams of what was to come and didn’t stop him from sharing these dreams with his family. God knows man’s heart and He knew that Joseph’s brothers would become jealous, envious and turn against him because of Joseph’s coming success, yet and still He didn’t keep the truth of that blessing from them. Instead, God used their negativity as fuels to pave the way for Joseph to attain that greatness God had planned for him. Like Daniel in the lion’s den, God didn’t prevent him from being thrown there. Like Schadrac, Meshac and Abed-Nego, God didn’t stop them from being thrown into the fiery furnace. Focus on God’s promises over your life and claim them, speak them over you and your loved ones often. Just as God did then for Joseph, Daniel, Schadrac, Meshac and Abed-Nego, may God use all negativity that enemies send your way  as a path paving your way in life to God’s greatness in Jesus name!


I often hear WHY DOES SUCH EVIL EXIST IN THE WORLD IF THERE’S A GOD? Well WHY WOULD SUCH CREATIONS CREATED IN GOD’S IMAGE WANT TO TURN EVIL TO SHAME THEMSELVES BEFORE GOD? Too much of greed, envy, jealousy, boastfulness and all bitter fruits can lead man astray from God’s will. And since the beginning of time from Adam in the Garden of Eden until this present time, mankind as a whole has not changed for the better. It’s always the majority of the evil that exist that seem to outweigh the efforts of the just. There has since been an imbalance in the universe due to our own doing. Which proves we can’t always be trusted in our choices. Jumping to conclusions, choosing to go with the flow, following the crowd, not weighing the outcome before forming a solid decision has become our lifestyle without examining possible results that might arise. We’re not even bold enough to own our mistakes after these draft measures occur. Instead we continue on our evil ways spreading it faster than an overly-festered virus expecting each outcome to be better as we feed the infestation. While a sick man knows to seek a doctor’s report and prescription to improve physical health, a man’s spiritual being suffers chaos yet he chooses not to seek God’s guidance and healing remedy for its ailments; only to lay the blame on God! You are created a breathing, living, thinking, choosing being to reflect your Daddy’s image and likeness. If you don’t like what you see around you, all you have to do is to double check within self to see if the Godly image and likeness of God still reside and portrays through you! What you put out is what becomes your environment! Position yourself to do your part in the world because you are part of God’s great commission whether you’re aware of it or not! You can’t just freely run about breathing God’s free air, enjoying God’s heartbeat within you ever so lovely and refusing to abide by the rules expecting all to be well. If you feel too much evil exist then do a self search, begin by fixing self and project the Godly love found within outward until you draw your last breath. You never know, you might’ve undone the wrong or evil that existed in so many lives you touched as you journeyed home! It’s in your power to fix the broken, heal the sick, save the lost, care for the rejected with your love. What have you been doing with your love lately? God in you is still crying out to reach the hurt! To deny Him your efforts in reaching these loved ones is also to take part in letting evil overtake the world! Do your part and show someone Godly love before time expires!

I also hear them say WHY WOULD GOD SEND PEOPLE TO HELL? “God want you to know, if you’re cooking something tasty you follow the recipe precisely to get the best possible outcome; so also in living your actions determine your results.” You reap what you sow! What you put forth is what you will see. No one plants sweet oranges expecting to reap sour apples! There’s a guideline for living called the Word of God, it’s full of God’s loving directions for a better life. The Bible is still in the process of molding lives to God, it hasn’t changed its address, name or power, neither has it expired. Of that however, I also question, WHY WOULD GOD’S OWN CREATION WANT TO DO THINGS TO LAND THEMSELVES IN HELL THEN PUT THE BLAME ON GOD? Confirming the self is a must in these times!
Romans 12:2
“Be not confirmed by the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds…”



When God’s people marched for six days around Jericho, many took them for fools I’m sure. They must’ve appeared out of their minds, foolish, stupid, nuts, having lost it, people who aren’t completely there in the head. I’m sure there was a lot of murmur, critics, comments, insults of all types must’ve went flying about carelessly. For six days straight God’s people endured the hatred, pain, hardship, mistreatment and cruelty. But on the SEVENTH day, things got real on the seventh day. Everything became clear on the seventh day, you see, the enemy thought he had succeeded in stifling God’s people for six days straight but on that seventh day, the voice that could never be stifled was the One that spoke in their stead and His can Not to be ignored ever.
So march around your Jericho quietly. Take your strength, your tired, your hurt, your pain, your battered soul to that level where you leave it all at His altar after given your absolute all without reserve. (You know like a car with a flat tire that’s eaten the rims when tire exhausted its efforts, give God all)! After having sweated, bled, cried, cringed with pain and utter discontent, leave it all at the feet of Yeshua knowing that the seventh day is coming. On that refined day, all men will be convinced of God’s either wrath or compassion. But You, stand firm grounds for on that day, more than Jericho will come-a-tumblin’ down. His voice will overshadow your silence and the truth of all your utterances under His anointing will prevail. That will be the last draw, His words will Not return to Him void. It will do what it’s been ordered to do! You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, one way or another!
MBM-Tine Brice


God’s servants are charged and obligated to love you regardless of your lacking and they do but that doesn’t mean they should tolerate your absurdity, applaud your drama or entertain your foolishness. Because they know a little of God’s word, they understand what is expected of them. (Just the same they wouldn’t expect you to suffer from their nonsensicals either, but do intend on hearing you call them out (privately first) on the what nots). It takes a lot of love for a person to correct another on their errors and or mischievous ways without actually killing or murdering their spirit. It requires an overload of patience, lots of wisdom and humility. And even as one humbles themselves for the sole purpose of correcting another, there’s always a grand possibility that the terrain may not be ready to receive, accept, comply or agree that such a correction should come from ‘you.’ Yet God’s word clearly specifies that if you see your brother in sin (Gal. 6:1) to reprove him, (James 5:19-20), unless you want to bear their burdens (Ezekiel 33:7-12), it must be done (2Tim. 4:2) with patience and teaching (Gal. 5:26) without provoking one another. However, it’s important to know where to draw the line even when there’s a given right. Things ought to be done with wisdom and respect.

Remember David, though he knew King Saul was in the wrong in wanting to kill him and it wasn’t in God’s will, still when God delivered him into David’s hands, he was cautious enough to NOT touch God’s anointed. It’s the same King Saul that God rejected that David spoke of. Honestly, it takes anointed grace to confront others concerning their mishaps, and at times it can appear to be purely diabolical what must be confronted. Most will be quick to say “you can’t judge me, you’re not God, you don’t know me or my heart!” Some others might say, ” I’m grown you don’t tell me what to do.” As still others may lash out in reversing a bible verse on you saying, “why don’t you first take the plank out of your eyes, then you’ll see clearer to remove the speck from someone else’s eyes” (Matthew 6:5). All the while they’re drowning deeper into their sinful nature, letting it consume them though it was God that led you to them. When these things occur as they often do, remember this, you’re a simple messenger. Once you delivered the message you’re done. How they reacted, what you were called afterwards when they dug deep into your past because of service rendered has absolutely Nothing to do with you! You need not enter a long strenuous debate to try to explain yourself even if they ask, for fear of being tempted yourself; unless He who sent you also told you to clarify, detail and simplify.

If we look at each person we encounter in life as an individual construction site where we’re merely relief workers it will be simpler. Even if we didn’t know when the previous shift ended; when it’s our turn, we cross their path as directed, focus on the service to be rendered, do it well, Godly and with good humor, then clock out, move on. We weren’t there to close a deal or finish the construction unless God directed otherwise, we leave after having set our brick and leave the next phase to another because we only were responsible for a Portion. Those with burdens of souls whom God has called as Pastors, Evangelists, Bishops and so on will have come after to accomplish the work, to wrap up, if God so wills it. It is indeed great labor and we are always short of workers. Therefore it’s quite important to understand and know how to do the work well so that we don’t appear as those scattering as the Shepherd gathers souls. Know this, after God has managed to gather through Jesus’ salvation gift distributed among those Sheep Herders, anointed for soul-saving purposes, those who disperse souls, the scatterers will be held accountable for destroying or endangering the work. “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

Let’s keep God’s Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) safe…for by doing so some have entertained angels without knowing….(Hebrews 13:2)!

Written 01-20-2021

MBM-Tine Brice


Speak to me

I’m human

Sometimes I feel your pain when you let me in

But too often you remain distant from me

As if I’m alien

You know I care but you keep listening

To another voice

Listen to me when I’m caring so

Don’t shut me out

Can’t you ever tell when I await your approach?

I want you to be free

Free to come to me when in need

Free to speak your mind

Free to choose the time to come

Free to say as you please

Take advantage of my presence

Don’t be so quick to shut me out?

I know what you feel before you felt it

But I still need you to speak the truth of

Your feelings to me as if I did not know

Any of it

Can’t you feel my love for you?

I don’t tire of your presence

I hurt when you discard mine

I give my ALL to you still…

Speak to me



Written in 2000

MBM-Tine Brice


Wash your mouth out with soap

Should you falter upon news not yours

Be dumb for once

It’s okay to be stupid if

What you hear is death

To another’s soul

Focus on His Will

You won’t see the molestation

Of others’ woes

With keen senses

One would rarely miss His return

It’s not you touching Him

That will differ but

His profound touch will be swift

To enter in the end

You must let the incision

Work through you

Mind, Body and Soul

Written maybe in late 1990s

MBM-Tine Brice


There are times in life when un-appointed schedulings happen for the benefit of souls, or so it seems. To us it’s unscheduled but to God’s omnicience, omnipotence and omnipresence it’s all on good terms and rightly timed.

Jesus didn’t have to go to Jairus’s house to revive his twelve year old daughter (Luke 8:43-48), but there was along that same path to the man’s house a woman with the issue of blood that was appointed to touch His garment for a complete healing. After twelve years of suffering and having spent all her money on all sorts of healing methods the healing grace reached her because she believed it could happen. Jesus could’ve just told Jairus like he told others, go your child lives but that would’ve prevented the woman’s healing that she so long awaited. Yet Jesus had to meet the Samaritan woman at the well leading her to the truth first so she could bring to Him a crowd that would believe, such a divine appointment.

(Matthew 8:8-13), The Centurion’s faith, because he understood authority and respected a person’s position, his servant was healed by Jesus’ word alone. And in Galilee Jesus would meet the Official from Capernaum who just believed for the healing of his son because Jesus said it, (John 4:49-52) which would bring salvation to the whole family. There’s great blessings in believing in God’s divine healing anointing in Christ Jesus but only those convicted can actually receive it. Hence part of of the reason for the many infirmities we encounter.

When we walk according to the Spirit of God, we walk divinely appointed to touch lives we know nothing of. This is a truth we know in part and may never be revealed fully in our lifetime but in glory we will meet all souls touched by divine appointments throughout life’s journey that we had no clue of. If you’re sure to have followed God’s word in redirecting others who have crossed your path, you’ve already laid the foundation that will hold and take them into God’s eternity. If their foundation was already set when they met you then it’s possible that an encounter with you was just to add another brick that solidify their stand, path and walk. (Often a problem occurs in thinking or believing it’s up to us to do the complete work in each person encountered whereas at times the amount to set is just one block and it’s another person that might complete the construction). Because not everyone’s journey is the same it’s best to remain open minded and Jesus focused. One must trust and believe now that God who has begun such great works in you will accomplish it (Isaiah 26:12) in the heart of the lives you’ve impacted positively for his glory (John 5:30). Hence we should constantly pray that the beauty of our Lord Jesus Christ (of Nazareth) be upon us that he might establish the works of our hands. (Psalms 90:17)

MBM-Tine Brice


Brethren, always make it a habit to live and grow in Faith. It’s needed for your well-being but also because you never know who will need to rely on your own faith to see them through a tight situation. This also is a life of service to God. Remember when Jesus was in the boat sleeping while the storm was raging, his disciples woke him saying “Master care you not that we perish,” Mark 4:37-41! He didn’t linger but acted quickly then reprimanded them saying, “O ye of little faith!” (Matthew 8:26, Luke 8:25). It’s not that they were incapable of speaking to their storm but that they lacked faith. Being so, they needed to rely on Jesus faith even when they were well equipped to act.

Too often on our journey we come across situations where no one needs to move in our favor for the miracle to take place because we have built in power to take us there and further, but we let life instances stifle, choke, suppress our faith capacity. We have built in power and authority to say PEACE, THE LORD REBUKE YOU, STOP, BE HEALED, AWAY FROM ME, NO, GET UP AND WALK, GET THEE HENCE, BE QUIET or BE STILL, (etc…) because Jesus promised greater works we will do; but first we must apply into our own lives what we’ve been instructed in faith. Do not let the enemy of your soul drag you into an incapacitated, debilitated, vegetated state of mind. That dullness of the mind is how he has destroyed many believers, leave him no room for access! When God’s word said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, God had You in mind as well when releasing that word and it won’t return to Him void until it’s done that which it was set out to do. God’s blessed word is the ornaments of your life so color yourself faithfully beautiful and handsome! Be not fooled!

As a man thinks in his heart so is he says God’s word in proverbs 23:7, it’s high time to command your mind to take you to that higher level where God envision you to be. The complete version of you await your arrival, don’t let yourself down! Tame the heart of your brain to fall into place. When you want to fall into temptation you give yourself a million and one reasons why it’s just and they’re all lies concocted by the darkness within trying to oppress you until you succumb. That ability you have to talk yourself down, it’s time to reverse it into raising yourself up to reach a nirvana of the brain, where the excess negativism is quenched making room for Godly purpose in all faith. So now the old power you used to degrade and destroy yourself, convert that into fuel to build yourself up and shame the devil. This has been one of his fears, of you succeeding, achieving, reaching beyond the capacity of your knowledge to trust God, time to serve him his just deserve! Take that leap of faith and land exactly where God has envisioned your completeness. The Plenitude of Faithful You Awaits, but it must start in the heart of your mind! Say YES to God’s Faith In You Through Christ Jesus!

Battle Scripture References:

Matthew 13:15, Hebrews 5:11, Psalm 92:5-6, Ezekiel 12:2, Matthew 4:10, John 8:43, Romans 3:11, Psalm 82:5, Micah 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:7

MBM-Tine Brice

Pass on the love

Every once in a while we run into someone or people that our hearts cling to and that we hold very dear. It’s not because they gave or did something for us but just because of who they are and they are there. Their warmth has touched our hearts and lives in such a deep and meaningful way, we hold them close to our hearts and cherish their friendship. Even if you don’t have anything to give to such a person, (prayer works); if you think there are some people in your life that resemble these types of people, you should let them know how you hold them dear before it’s too late. You’re one of those people to me and I just want to say thank you for being born and for your good impact on my life. If I don’t get to tell you later on in life because I get so wrapped up with life’s issues, I want you to know that I love you. You matter to me. Your happiness counts too. But most of all, my love for you would want to see your soul well preserved in God’s grace. I love your soul. Soul-Sister, Soul-Brother, I LOVE YOU BUT JESUS LOVES YOU MORE!!! Godly love, pass on the love!
MBM-Tine Brice