As servants of the Most High God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth each word, sentence, verse, prayer, song, is a fullness of impartation being sent out into the universe. We are charged to release into the atmosphere the goodness we once received or were taught through the instructions of the Holy Spirit. We pray that our sowed seeds have landed on the fertile soil of your heart’s depth to multiply and reproduce the goodness of loving fruits; impacting generations unto Jesus who is soon to come for the harvest. Have we not imparted what we received as in healing, forgiveness, love, compassion, kindness, faith, grace, yearning to deepen our relationship with Christ throughout the journey? Have we not sought to find you beneath the rubbles of your displeasures to rise with you in the measure of God’s treasure bestowed in our verses? Have we not blessed you with good measures pressed down, shaken together and running over for the time to come so that you can withstand the storm in any season? If after having given all we have to you there’s still a lack then obviously God might be attracting you to Him now for a full one-on-one to peak your knowledge! Adhere His teachings, submit to His call, surrender your desires to His will, lay at His feet your burdens and give Him all that remain in you! You’ve received enough to be partakers in the great commission! Let someone know Jesus the Savior loves them and remind them He soon comes as Judge. It’s time for us all to get our house in order! Let’s do this!

Written 01-21-2021

MBM-Tine Brice