7 Days Confined (Numbers 12:13-15)
Miriam spoke against God’s Anointed Moses, (Numbers 12:1-12). In God’s anger He reprimanded and chastised Miriam. Moses cried to God to heal Miriam. God replied if her father spit in her face would she not have to go through the disgrace? Confine her out of camp for 7 days then bring her back.

7 falls (Proverbs 24:16)
Seven times the just fall, and is raised again. One does not reach any heights unless you’re coming from a low place. There’s a universal balance that instructs us to appreciate goodness. To acknowledge and uphold the good, however, one must first experience the bad. It’s the path that human nature has chosen since Adam and Eve in listening to the evil one after God had already given the direction to Not eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. We have therefore fallen into the death of the Knowledge of good and evil battle that constantly broil within each being. Still, God, in His immense compassion toward us, set plans for our restoration to return to Him. We have reached rock bottom but not to remain there. Rather, to remember that God plans for us to prosper and looks to raise us even after our great fall. So wobble not in sin, don’t remain hiding in a corner licking your wounds too long (so to speak) after having received blows that came to destroy you. Just as the saying goes “while your head has not been chopped off, hope to wear a hat,” so also one should keep hope alive in God who has not brought you this far to leave you. Yes, you’ve had a great fall, oh,Chosen One, but get up, dust yourself off, and look to rise above the fall. Lesson learned? Now go forth and prosper for God’s glory!

Meditation 07-25-2023


This was just whispered into my spirit, “even the worst so-called enemy has at least once been a teacher!” Meaning, whether the source is listed or not, identified or not, categorized or not, recognized or not, understood or not, accepted or not; at some point in life, that source has been used to project a lesson that might’ve gone unlearned if not imposed. All of us have sources that we would rather not receive advice, help, or instruction from. However, God being who He is will take it upon Himself to use whatever sources He sees fit to bring knees to fold, to crush arrogance, to suppress stubbornness, to heal ignorance, to mold His own-then, a lesson is taught. After which, the source will pay for having been made available to be used in such a fashion toward or against God’s child. This is purely an example of God using foolish things to confuse the wise. That’s why it’s important to never feel yourself too wise in your own eyes because no matter how much of the answers you’ve gathered from your prolonged research, there still will remain undiscovered truths. Because you see, the Ultimate Truth resides ONLY in HE who has been, is, and forever will be Himself! He who gave us the Word that became flesh to walk among us speaks His Truth in us constantly, a whisper of Himself He bestows within our spirit. That small portion is often so mind-blowing to us that from such we often are blessed enough to write songs, poetry, story, books, filled libraries, making history, shaking worlds, rising new eras of Ages. All of which comes from a single whisper of God’s person through Christ whom we know as the Word, Way, Truth, and Life. We live in the Whisper of His Reflection!


Excerpt from Response To The Calling “The sun was blazing hot glistening on the surface of the asphalt road ahead but once I reached that shining spot I found it to be just as normal as the path already traveled.”
That point in time when things are revealed for what they are at the appointed time but not before. Don’t jump to conclusions, don’t assume, be still and wait on God’s approval and revelation for guidance because God’s report solidifies everything. That time when everything comes to light because one’s focus is clearer! The feelings that one experiences when contemplating a heavy workload and procrastinating compared to the completed task, greeted with self gratification! Allow self to go through each process with open mind in order to receive a deeper understanding of every situation. Give self time to learn lessons being taught because life is overflowing with such to be accumulated so as to grow in stature and build solid chatacter. The saying goes everything that glitters is not gold. The experience through the lesson learned on the road reveals that though the sun glittersĀ  showing wavy sun ripples as if a puddle is ahead, at focus clear it’s revealed that even the sun will set mirage. The focus must remain on the Son throughout the journey. Though the sun is quite helpful to light one’s path, and in spelling is but one letter short of the Messiah’s identity; the prize lies in an accomplished race with the athlete’s unwavering devotion, dedication, attention, and relation to God in Jesus!
Written 03-09-2021
MBM-Tine Brice


I saw a brave apple the other day! It stood alone on a dried up tree branch, and I thought to myself how much courage it must’ve taken for the apple to remain intact. Steadfast and immovable it clung to that branch despite the weather. It didn’t give up when all odds were against it. I thought to myself, you Dear Child should learn a lesson from that root, this tree, that branch, this apple that has overcome so may obstacles until someone has acknowledged its efforts! That’s the Apple’s lesson! I encourage you! Keep running the race with your eyes on the prize!

Written 02-22-2021

MBM-Tine Brice