To you who is done with yourself, you’ve sinned. Who are you to be done with yourself when God Himself isn’t done with you yet? And He created you for His purpose and glory!
To you who refuses to forgive yourself? Who do you think you are to be holding God’s vessel captive when He Himself forgave you long ago? Are you bigger than God? Be careful how you treat God’s temple! He’s taking notes!
To you who doubt every Godly thought God has given you? How dare you to even consider these shortcomings when God Himself believe in you enough to trust you with His Truth?
Have you not yet learned that it was with you in mind that He sent the great flood, through Noah rebirth the world? Through Abraham gathered children of every race, nations, and tongue to give you heritage and roots? Through Moses He set for us laws and statutes for structured living? Through Jacob God found in Joseph a path to bring humanity salvation’s alliance in Christ!
Have you yet to realize that if your eternal enemy cannot find ways to condemn you in daily tactics that he’ll turn it inward to make you turn against yourself so he can say even you condemn yourself so that should be justification of any and all charges? You who didn’t create yourself and who can’t control a strand of hair growth, breath or heartbeat? You who knows when you were born but has no clue how long you’ll live or when your mandated expiration is at hand? You whom God has sealed for the day of redemption and must live it until His great plan over your life has fulfilled because His word will Not return to Him void until It has done what it was set out to do in full?
You need to understand this one thing! There are some things for you they are closed caption, no option! The limit has-been drawn for you clearly! Respect the boundary and Honor God in Self Dear Godly Vessel Favored to do God’s bidding!
At ease as you’re tending to self honorably soldier while you remain on guard in the battlefield! Message received? As you were Valiant Warrior! SALUTE!


Don’t let any enemy cramp your style. Maintain composure at all cost! There’s earthly fruits and blessings to accumulate, a hell to prevent, a soul to save and an eternal crown to gain! You have no time for foolishness! You’re heading toward an incorruptible body, but for now work on projecting interior decors outward! Maximize your gain in the Lord, it won’t be in vain!
MBM-Tine Brice


Often times on our path we meet with people whom later on in life we wish we hadn’t met. After having endured a hardship that they are or were tied to we feel that had we not become linked with them we would not have endured such hardships. Being that we’re humans we have a tendency to look at people based on appearance and so we judge, label, blame, criticize, ridicule self and others, the list goes on. But really that which we need to focus on is not on the surface but it’s the ability to detect evil hidden behind these encounters causing us to suffer. I know it’s not easy to do but it takes a load off of your heart carrying the burden to He who knows how to handle them, through prayer lay it all at Jesus feet and await comfort, support, answer, or direction. Jesus knew in life we would end up making poor choices in this flesh envelope hence we’d need redirection and so He emphasized the importance of discernment and God’s armors. Child, to make it through this rugged road in life you need not just repentance, conversion and Jesus but also His equipping gifts disposed for us the believer. Isaiah 11:2-3 displays for us seven gifts from the Spirit of the Lord which we brethren ought to sought after, (Spirits of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety, Knowledge, Fear of the Lord). If we’re so busy seeking after these gifts that are at our disposal, surely by the time some things come our way, because we had been so preoccupied working on self, God would have had mercy due to applied efforts. You see to become equipped with God’s gifts at our disposal is to be enemy ready. A person can’t enter a battlefield without having been armed, recognizing and identifying ally from foe. Else, this fierce battle would become catastrophic because you’d end up fighting allies and foes, exhausting and outnumbered! The disposed equipments help us to recognize friend from foe so we can fight the good fight! 1 John 4:1-6 discernment identifies the spirit leading the person. Ephesians 6:10-18 lays out for the believer the full armor of God to equip one for every battle. To choose to be equipped depends on the soldier completely. To recognize one’s true enemy is also to enter a battle mentality to destroy the evil root presented. The choice is always yours. You will know how well you’ve chosen by the rundown and outcome of your whole christian walk with God. Make God proud!

MBM-Tine Brice


I know your brain might find this difficult to believe but the world doesn’t revolve around you! It’s hardly ever about you! When the saved prays that God consume their enemies they have learned and understood from the beginning that they have one enemy and his legions, that’s the devil. He’s the enemy of God’s anointed and of all souls. I know you want to flatter yourself often and yearn to revenge against those that pray this way though you haven’t a clue how fierce their battle is that they’re reduced to such requests but it’s not pertaining to you and so it’s not your concern to know or understand. What you must know though is that if you are in fact a demon sent by the devil himself well the chastisement that befalls those evil spirits and their master won’t skip you. Stop being so defensive over what doesn’t concern you but if you feel that it still irks you after having understood this then that’s your cue to get right with God because it’s biblical to rebuke demons and evil spirits. God’s child has not been called to tolerate, babysit or nurture evil and its wiles but to resist and rebuke them. You can’t understand things of the Faith because your heart has been hardened by its plots already. When you don’t understand something, read your bible and see how long and how many plagues it took pharaoh to recognize God was indeed with Moses. When you resist God in His people you’re actually attracting God’s plagues upon you. When it becomes too much for you to handle and you feel overwhelmed by the plague that chastises you remember that God is but a prayer away and His desire is that you bend your knees before Him and recognize and respect Him as the ONE AND ONLY ALMIGHTY GOD WHO SITS IN MAJESTY UPON HIS HEAVENLY THRONE BUT SEES ALL WITH HIS SEVEN EYES. Not one of His eyes are blind and nothing escapes Him not even the schemes forming in the depths of your heart! Know this and know this well, God’s silence doesn’t mean that He has rejected His own! What goes on between God and His servant is between Father and Child. It doesn’t concern outsiders. So you see, you’re actually out of line if you interfere in God’s plan for His servants. You’ll need not tell anyone if you’re nosy or a gossiper. By interfering each time you tell God’s people exactly who you are so that they learn to steer clear from you. If you want to be counted as an honest person then conduct yourself as such. A conversation between God’s child and God’s enemy is simply that. To interrupt or include yourself in it is also to unveil your dark side for those who didn’t know that you were evil to recognize your true colors! God’s word said where your heart is there also your treasure shall be. If in fact you’ve been wicked in your thoughts towards others, each time you hear them rebuking the greatest enemy to mankind known, satan, if you feel some type of way to want to protect evil then you have also revealed yourself as God’s archenemy. True christians never need to tell people who their real enemy is though it feels like a multitude of legions there’s only one satan that leads the whole. Because this world has become so complicated with people who goes to church too, they take communion too, they go through the form/routine, a pretext of being saved too but no one can trick the Holy Spirit. You see as says the Haitian saying, a leaky roof can fool the sun but not the rain. The sun there represents the mass of people without the Holy Spirit to guide them or doesn’t care to know either. The rain however portrays the Holy Spirit who isn’t able to be bargained with or tricked. If you want a biblical version when David had five stones but used only three. The three stones if looked upon figuratively represents God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit! The first stone-God gave a chance because of His compassion. The second stone- God the Son gave a chance because of His Salvation plan to be soon implemented. The third stone however-God the Holy Spirit gives no chances. He’s the third strike and Goliath, you’re out! There’s always time to repent as long as the door to grace is open but once the door to grace closes, you’re no longer safe and no more time left to repent! God’s archenemy is your enemy. Draw the line for him to not be able to cross it, stay in God’s will! God will have your back so long as you abide and remain in check.

MBM-Tine Brice



Did you ever stop to consider how very long that list of people who want you dead is and wonder also how can it be so long when there’s only one name on it? Your enemy got kicked out of heaven but learned a thing or two before leaving. The problem is that he chooses to use what he learned in a negative way to inflict pain and suffering to people who are dear and precious to God so he can make God suffer. We’re another wheel being used for the sole purpose of inflicting pain on the Master! Do you really want to be another person’s tool to inflict pain on others? Do you really want to be the button that is pushed to cause chaos? Do you really want to live a life of corruption, abomination, greed and crime to make a point about the unfairness you suffered, the revenge that you should have gotten or can have when there’s a God who can hit harder than the core of one’s being in your defense? Must you stand in your own defense every single time to prove to people without conscience that you’re not far from lacking conscience too like them? Who is your god? Who is your master? In the image and likeness of whom were you created? WHO IS YOUR DADDY? (Be careful that you don’t add your own self on that enemy list against yourself too as it is an open possibility). Those who belong to God understands that at times you must learn to surrender your rights! You must not boast or defend yourself often! Sometimes it is of utmost importance to let yourself be driven as a lamb being dragged to the slaughter house, not because you want to be slaughtered and not because you’re not scared out of your wits that the blade at someone’s slaughter house is sharpening for the sole purpose of chopping your neck but because in going through the whole process without retracting from the experience the censored parts that rips one’s heart, not only are you gaining knowledge for someone whom you might encounter later in life but your own spiritual walk with God is being refined so that you can become a better, more improved version of yourself, more Godly even! If it’s orchestrated by God, be sure that it’s to birth a new you out of that situation, not to break you into nothingness! God loves you too much in Jesus to let you fall into the nothingness of life’s abyss. No, God has great plans for your future on earth and with Him in His etetnity. Your story does not end here, nor does it end on a sad note! Don’t you understand that even your death won’t be as “a sad repetition of another incident that shouldn’t have happened so tragically.” Rather, a rejoicing gathering of souls celebrating your entrance into God’s eternity! Have you not considered such at all? You have some contemplating to do before God! Get busy! You’ve been given 365 days to do self, soul and life inventory before exiting life, do make it count all good at least for God to take pleasure in it and smile on you!

May God’s anointing keep you as you embark in this journey to knowing your Godly self better today than what you knew of yourself yesterday! May God surprise you so much that your jaw drops in recognizing and achieving at God’s Supreme plan for you. Because you see each person has their own role to play in God’s Great Commission and no one will rush God into revealing His Messianic Secret before the time that is set! His mysteries remain a ministery to many a scholars and geniuses until God feels good and ready to reveal it to whomever He so wishes. And when He does reveal it, God chooses those who do not boast to do His will! HE IS GOD ALL BY HIMSELF!!! One enemy down! 😉

MBM-Tine Brice