To you who is done with yourself, you’ve sinned. Who are you to be done with yourself when God Himself isn’t done with you yet? And He created you for His purpose and glory!
To you who refuses to forgive yourself? Who do you think you are to be holding God’s vessel captive when He Himself forgave you long ago? Are you bigger than God? Be careful how you treat God’s temple! He’s taking notes!
To you who doubt every Godly thought God has given you? How dare you to even consider these shortcomings when God Himself believe in you enough to trust you with His Truth?
Have you not yet learned that it was with you in mind that He sent the great flood, through Noah rebirth the world? Through Abraham gathered children of every race, nations, and tongue to give you heritage and roots? Through Moses He set for us laws and statutes for structured living? Through Jacob God found in Joseph a path to bring humanity salvation’s alliance in Christ!
Have you yet to realize that if your eternal enemy cannot find ways to condemn you in daily tactics that he’ll turn it inward to make you turn against yourself so he can say even you condemn yourself so that should be justification of any and all charges? You who didn’t create yourself and who can’t control a strand of hair growth, breath or heartbeat? You who knows when you were born but has no clue how long you’ll live or when your mandated expiration is at hand? You whom God has sealed for the day of redemption and must live it until His great plan over your life has fulfilled because His word will Not return to Him void until It has done what it was set out to do in full?
You need to understand this one thing! There are some things for you they are closed caption, no option! The limit has-been drawn for you clearly! Respect the boundary and Honor God in Self Dear Godly Vessel Favored to do God’s bidding!
At ease as you’re tending to self honorably soldier while you remain on guard in the battlefield! Message received? As you were Valiant Warrior! SALUTE!