Can you think back a minute to when telling someone to shut up was such a rude way of talking that you’d get in trouble for it as if you had said a curse word? Or to speak a certain way was considered cross? So saying shut up or being cross wouldn’t be on your to do list to prevent being grounded. Those cheesy days taught us what being human was all about. It taught us to be courteous to our neighbors. We did it so well we didn’t need any escort looking over our shoulders checking to see if we’re behaving. It was simpler living and to most today it would be considered cheesy, lame, bland and boring. But you know, instead of being too bold, uncaring, inhumane without compassion for society wouldn’t it be best to add a little cheese on society today to preserve human flavor? Think about it! We’re constantly losing flavor as human beings. Soon there won’t be anything left to season or salvage. If you don’t believe me, with a clear and stable conscience take a good look at society as a whole!

It’s not nitpicking, honestly. And it’s not stirring anger in others either, it’s just an honest look at society that most elders usually have to go through as they watch their time fading and new time take over. It’s that moment when you realize you’re so old, this generation is so new and there’s a clash in difference. You don’t fit yet to find a common ground may take some time you don’t have. Because by then it might even be time to go because like I said, you’re old! So you reminisce those good days as if you could bring them back. You hardly have anyone to reminisce them with because everyone you knew mostly have passed on leaving you holding the fort. In this fast-paced world all you have left for comfort are those cheesy memories of yours and no one to tell them to. You’re itching to tell anyone who would listen but they’re busy living and your pace is slowing down hence you can’t catch up.

There should be a site! A site where the older folks could post their nostalgia to the world and they can even post anonymously. They should call it REMINESSENCE! The essence of reminiscing in a bulk would be good for society as a whole. That would give older folks an outlet, a chance to share their wisdom with the younger generation. How cool that would be! It could contain stories or sayings, testimonials or daily posts of attempts to connect to the present world. It could even be a youtube channel. I know this would be a very long shot because not all elders are computer literate but isn’t it a grand idea though? (It kept you reading on this far)!

There are simple acts of kindness that could even keep away sicknesses like alzheimers, dementia, senility, withdraws, or the likes. I don’t think elders should be boxed into a corner as if to say it’s not your time anymore so quietly occupy this space as a dunce till you’re no more! Instead I think we should embrace them into society as legacy workers in the field that ought to be commemorated as they exit; only we would be celebrating them in this small version as they live!

Let each testimonial be a learning source for the younger generation! Who knows? Some parents might even start to use that site as insight for their own children’s rearing. One of their chores could be to log into that site and to retell the parent of a testimonial they read that seemed shocking or different than what they’re accustomed to. That would be wisdom being passed down! You’d be surprised how much wisdom is hidden within an elder’s brain, of course that’s when it’s remembered!

Maybe this should be on someone’s to do list! I had to put this out here since it surfaced my overwork brain. I hope it reaches someone somewhere enough to act upon it in a productive way for the benefits of all of society.

Written 01-23-2021

MBM-Tine Brice